Looking for innovative solutions to architectural challenges?

Could you benefit from R&D Tax Relief?

Is your business missing out on valuable R&D Tax Relief?

The UK is world-renowned for its exceptional architectural projects, with many involving unique challenges, technical uncertainty and significant risk-taking. Innovation sits at the heart of many of these projects, helping businesses to overcome technical problems by using unique and bespoke methods. If you are undertaking work which involves research, the development of bespoke software, complex testing and ‘out of the box’ design implementation, it is likely you will qualify for R&D Tax Relief.

Examples of R&D in Architecture

  • Developing modular prefabricates or off-site manufactured designs
  • Using existing materials in a new/novel way
  • Using Building Information Modelling, thermal modelling or wind modelling
  • Developing designs for unique/challenging environments
  • Improving the performance of products/materials and processes.
  • Development in testing, prototype design and software to resolve challenges

We were initially sceptical about whether our work would qualify, but Leyton’s consultants explained everything very clearly, which reassured us. We have since successfully made many R&D claims with the firm. Leyton ‘dragged’ us along and ensured we hit all our deadlines, which was definitely needed.

Manalo & White Architects

Our Expertise

Architecture claims

1 100

Tax relief for the sector millions (£)


Average claim value (£)

31 000

Talk to our R&D Tax specialists

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