Helping food and beverage companies optimise costs and accelerate growth

Could your business benefit from significant innovation funding?

Is your business missing out on valuable R&D Tax Relief? Embracing change and driving innovation within the Food & Beverage sector is helping solve challenges related to environmental impact and rapidly evolving customer demand. Many businesses are implementing innovative solutions in order to refine their products, processes and systems to enhance performance and accelerate growth. All of these activities could qualify for the R&D Tax Credits incentive. 

Our Expertise

Client benefit millions (£)


Food & Beverage Clients


Average claim value (£)

48 000

Examples of R&D in food & beverages

  • Working on projects which use innovative techniques with raw materials,
  • Novel product formulations,
  • Technically challenging process improvements or innovative techniques to increase throughput,
  • Reduce cost or diminish environmental impact (without compromising product quality).
food & Beverages

Our Partners:

Scottish bakers association
farmers weekly logo
Manchester digital logo

Leyton services which may interest you

Our highly experienced in-house teams constantly monitor market development and government funding opportunities to provide the most up-to date cost saving solutions. We offer support around a number of government schemes including:

  • R&D tax credits

    We support businesses to claim tax relief on innovative projects.

  • Patent Box

    We help cutting-edge businesses to win innovation funding.