Case Study


    • Jul 01, 2021
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We were aware of the R&D Tax Credit scheme before working with Leyton but we really had no idea how to go about claiming. We found that the process of claiming with Leyton was pretty easy, they made it simple to do and were very helpful. I would say in terms of man hours from our end it took around 5 hours, this was mainly spent filling out the relevant data and spending time with Leyton’s tech consulting team. Amos Teshuva, Co-Founder, WalkUp

How did you find working with Leyton on your claim?

The Leyton Consultants we worked with had the necessary expertise to make the application for us, I thought our consultants were pretty knowledgeable from a software perspective. If I was advising similar businesses I would definitely use a specialist because they can help understand what the potential is, they make your life easy so you can continue to focus on the day to day activities of your business.

How has your business benefitted from the financial benefits of your R&D Tax Credit claim?

The funding has really helped us, particularly our claim for 2019 which meant we could hire a new team member. I think we can be more ambitious in the way we think, knowing that we can get this R&D Tax Credit funding back, this has been really useful during the past years of high growth in the business.

Strengthen your claim

Our in-house team of highly experienced scientists, engineers, tax consultants and attorneys would love to answer all your questions and help you make the most out of your R&D efforts.

  1. Global experience
  2. Maximise your claim
  3. Audit Support
  4. Team of Experts

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