Case Study

FGP Systems

    • Apr 21, 2021
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FGP Systems case study

Financial Controller, FGP Systems

It is so helpful to work with a consultancy that takes the effort out of the process, especially in the current climate, we wouldn’t want to spend days working on our R&D Tax claim. To have Leyton come in and sort it for us made a massive difference.

Were you aware of the scheme before working with Leyton?

To be honest Leyton were our knight in shining armour, we had claimed previously with a different R&D Tax Credits provider and the value of our annual claim went from £125k to £800k (over 2 years) with Leyton. Leyton had tech professionals who understood what we were talking about, the business we previously claimed with had no manufacturing experience and didn’t understand our projects. If I compare the claims process with Leyton to our claim with our previous provider, the difference is huge. In terms of man hours, I would estimate it took around 1 month of effort previously compared to 2 days with Leyton.

“The value of our annual claim went from £125k to £800k (over 2 years) with Leyton”

How did you find the process of working with Leyton?

We had a kick off meeting (1-2hours) to discuss what we can claim, our teams then went away and collated the data Leyton needed (2-3 hours) we put all this in one doc and sent it to Leyton. After this, the Leyton team got in touch with the relevant people in the business to speak to them in more detail about certain projects. Realistically it took 2 days collating the relevant information with Leyton, it really wasn’t labour intensive. Leyton make it such an easy process. With Leyton you have that reliability and expertise to know your claim will explore all possible qualifying activity.

How would you rate the quality of the consulting team you engaged with at Leyton?

They were very good, the best thing for our team is that in manufacturing it sometimes feels like you are fighting fires all the time during COVID. The Leyton team were very patient with us, they took the time to explain the process, they didn’t get frustrated, they went through it with us, nothing seemed too much trouble for them and they fitted right in with the team.

Strengthen your claim

Our in-house team of highly experienced scientists, engineers, tax consultants and attorneys would love to answer all your questions and help you make the most out of your R&D efforts.

  1. Global experience
  2. Maximise your claim
  3. Audit Support
  4. Team of Experts

Contact our R&D Tax Experts