Case Study

Real Wireless

    • Sep 22, 2020
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Real Wireless case study

Mark Keenan, CEO, Real Wireless

If I were to give advice to other businesses looking to claim I would definitely recommend getting professionals to support you, as things move quickly in regulation and legislation. By claiming with Leyton you have an assurance and comfort that your claim has been reviewed by professionals that do this day in, day out.

The benefit of working with a specialist R&D Tax firm is their detailed understanding of the legislation and “ability to get under the skin of the business to find areas where you can claim that you may not have thought of before. In terms of the financial benefit, the R&D tax refund we received was really nice to have. As an SME we expect to have made a profit each year and it is good to avoid having to pay large corporation tax bill on this profit. By using the scheme we retain this cash and we can invest it back into the business.” Leyton’s consultants had the technical expertise to uncover all the qualifying activity, I felt that our Consultant really understood what HMRC were looking for and had the industry knowledge to make the process as seamless as possible. By having that knowledge from Leyton we were able reduce the amount of time required by our engineering and product teams, which was a massive saving as well as being able to optimise our claim.”

Mark Keenan, CEO, Real Wireless

Optimising their claim

Real Wireless were aware of the R&D Tax Credits scheme and had claimed for three years previously, when they approached Leyton the business was running out of time to complete their claim and it became apparent that the process they were using currently meant they were underclaiming. As a tech company, Real Wireless was used to doing things from an evidenced perspective so they were self-taught in terms of how they organised their claim before working with Leyton.

“With Leyton’s guidance it is highly unlikely HMRC will challenge your claim when has been through that review process. The reports that Leyton produced for my business were very professional and the consultants that we interacted with had a good grasp of our specific technology. They took our submission and turned it into a detailed report, the result was much better than we expected.”

Mark Keenan, CEO, Real Wireless

Strengthen your claim

Our in-house team of highly experienced scientists, engineers, tax consultants and attorneys would love to answer all your questions and help you make the most out of your R&D efforts.

  1. Global experience
  2. Maximise your claim
  3. Audit Support
  4. Team of Experts

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