Case Study

Winch Design

    • Dec 31, 2023
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Winch Design case study

Paul Stephens, CFO, Winch Design

With some of the larger consultancies, you often find yourself paying for the ‘brand’. Sometimes this seems to involve little more than them just putting their logo on a piece of work you could have done yourself. With Leyton, it is not just the brand you are getting but also their technical knowledge which sets them apart

“Leyton’s fee is absolutely worth paying as I could not have done the work myself and it is good to have the Leyton badge on the report we submit to HMRC. It is Leyton’s acumen that we needed; I think if we had tried to submit the claim ourselves, the financial benefits for our business would not have been nearly as strong.”

Paul Stephens CFO, Winch Design


There is a high degree of technicality within the engineering requirements which go into each project, for example, ensuring that aerodynamics are not compromised when meeting a client’s design requisites. The business often has to overcome challenges when combining aesthetics and practicality; it is virtually impossible to reuse elements from previous projects in new projects due to the uniqueness of each one.

“I knew that various innovation schemes existed however I was unaware of R&D legislation and even more so, that it might apply to Winch. I was initially a little cynical about whether we would qualify however I learnt that R&D Tax Credits are all about innovation and creative thinking, and are often much broader than the branding of the scheme appears”

Paul Stephens CFO, Winch Design


The benefits of the scheme have quickly evolved for the client, with the first year’s claim providing an unexpected and convenient cash boost. Now the business knows it can claim under the scheme every year, the additional funds have been built into Winch’s budgets moving forwards.

Strengthen your claim

Our in-house team of highly experienced scientists, engineers, tax consultants and attorneys would love to answer all your questions and help you make the most out of your R&D efforts.

  1. Global experience
  2. Maximise your claim
  3. Audit Support
  4. Team of Experts

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