Creative Industries Tax Reliefs

We help businesses to benefit from four valuable creative tax reliefs – Video Games, Museum and Galleries Exhibition, Theatre and Orchestra. These valuable schemes allow qualifying businesses to claim a significant reduction on their taxable profits. At Leyton, we provide an end-to-end consultancy service, leveraging our proven experience to support companies in the Creative sector, from technical and financial discovery through to the final submission of your claim.

How can I benefit?

This tax relief works by increasing the amount of allowable expenditure. Where your company makes a loss, you may be able to surrender the loss and convert some or all of it into a payable tax credit. You can claim creative industry tax relief if your business is liable to Corporation Tax and directly involved in the production and development of video games, museum and gallery exhibitions, theatrical productions, or orchestral exhibitions.

To qualify, your company must be actively engaged in planning and decision-making, directly negotiate, contract and pay for rights, goods and services.

What our clients say about us?

These additional funds provide a safety net that enables us to think more strategically. Leyton’s services were really good, helping to clarify what HMRC are looking for and asking all the right questions. The Leyton team were always on hand to help with everything through the claims process.

Rowan Heasley Managing Director, Naked Penguin Boy

Video Games Tax Relief

This relief is available if your company is responsible for designing, producing and testing a video game which has been certified by the British Film Institute (BFI) and is intended for supply to the general public.

Museum and Galleries ExhibitionTax Relief

The relief is available to a primary or secondary qualifying museum or company that is responsible for producing and running an exhibition at a venue for a limited time, is responsible for deinstalling and closing the exhibition at the venue.

Theatre Tax Relief

Production companies can claim back a proportion of the core expenditure used for the production of a ‘dramatic production’. This can be defined as a play, opera, ballet, musical or other dramatic piece where the performances are live. All, or a high proportion of the performances, should be to a paying audience or provided for educational performances.

Orchestra Tax Relief

This relief is available if you are responsible for putting on a ‘qualifying orchestral concert’, which includes employing and engaging the performers. Qualifying concerts must be live and performed by an orchestra, ensemble, group or band consisting of at least 12 instruments. Core expenditure for productions is deemed to be what’s spent on the production and does not include expenditure on the actual performance.

How much can I claim?

Tax relief is provided through an additional deduction when calculating the taxable profits or losses of the business. This will either reduce the taxable profits, or create or enhance a loss, a proportion of which can be submitted for a tax credit. The additional deduction is the lower of: 80% of the total core expenditure incurred on producing the production or exhibition OR the EEA core expenditure

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Our highly experienced in-house teams constantly monitor market development and government funding opportunities to provide the most up-to date cost saving solutions. We offer support around a number of other government schemes including:

  • R&D Tax Credits

    We support businesses to claim valuable tax relief on innovative projects.

  • Capital Allowances

    We can help your business obtain valuable cash tax savings and improved business cash flow