Case Study


    • Dec 04, 2020
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Nutmeg case study

Damian Walsh, Head of Financial Control and CMA, Nutmeg

Leyton was very professional. When we first met they took the time to get under the skin of our business and it was clear that they had a lot of background knowledge about the industry. As part of the work undertaken on our initial engagement at the end of 2019 we reviewed the previous
claim for the 2017 tax year. Leyton worked with us and in the space of only a few weeks we submitted an amended claim for which we received four or five times the amount. Knowing this we should have claimed with Leyton a lot earlier!

You had previously claimed R&D Tax Credits before working with Leyton, what are the key differences you have found compared to your past claims?

“During the claims process in the past, we mainly dealt with accountants who, while good when it came to calculating the claim, did not have the expertise to understand the technical aspects of our business and what research and development work may or may not qualify as R&D. Leyton’s consultants had the technical expertise to uncover all the qualifying activity, I felt that our Consultant really understood what HMRC were looking for and had the industry knowledge to make the process as seamless as possible. By having that knowledge from Leyton we were able reduce the amount of time required by our engineering and product teams, which was a massive saving as well as being able to optimise our claim.”

Damian Walsh, Head of Financial Control and CMA, Nutmeg


Nutmeg has carried out qualifying R&D activity in a number of areas, including in the development of an event-driven architecture, data extraction and aggregation and enhancing the use of mobile applications. Having previously claimed R&D Tax Credits through a third party, Nutmeg has worked with Leyton on their R&D Tax Claim for the last three years.

Strengthen your claim

Our in-house team of highly experienced scientists, engineers, tax consultants and attorneys would love to answer all your questions and help you make the most out of your R&D efforts.

  1. Global experience
  2. Maximise your claim
  3. Audit Support
  4. Team of Experts

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