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    Empowering Innovation: How the US R&D Tax Credit Can Boost Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Companies

    Empowering Innovation: How the US R&D Tax Credit Can Boost...

    Overview In the wake of the AI boom, sparked by pioneers like Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, and...

    Leveraging the R&D Tax Credit: Biotechnology Innovation

    Overview: Biotechnology, encompassing the manipulation of living organisms and their components t...

    Leveraging the R&D Tax Credit: Cybersecurity Innovation

    Overview: In the modern digital landscape, cybersecurity has become a cornerstone of business ope...

    Leveraging Funding from The United States Department of Energy

    The Grants & Incentives team at Leyton possesses the experience and technical expertise neces...

    The Attached Statement Requirements for R&D Tax Credit Claims

    The Attached Statement Requirements for R&D Tax Credit Claims

    Effective January 10th, 2022, documentation requirements to claim the R&D credit became a bit...

    R&D against TMT

    R&D Tax Credit Against Tentative Minimum Tax (TMT)

    How much R&D tax credit can I utilize? With changes in legislation, the threshold has changed

    Underutilization of R&D

    Underutilization of the R&D Tax Credit in the US

    The R&D Tax Credit has been around since 1981. It is a government sponsored tax incentive off...

    IRC 174 things are changing

    IRC 174: Things are changing

    New rules require companies to capitalize and amortize all IRC § 174 domestic qualified research ...

    R&D Tax Credit for Dental Practice

    In 2015, when the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act was passed to stimulate the econ...

    r&d architecture engineering construction

    R&D Tax Credit for Architecture, Engineering and Construct...

    With growing populations and aging urban environments, there is an increased need for the develop...

    why you shouldn't ignore R&D tax credit

    Why you shouldn’t ignore R&D Tax Credits

    Innovation is the lifeblood of every economy, without it there would be no progress. A world with...

    claim the R&D tax credit

    Tax Day is here! It’s not too late to claim the R&D Tax Cr...

    Do you want to pay less in taxes and have an increased cash flow for your business?  If your...