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Section 1245

Section 1245 and 1250: Understanding Depreciation Recapture for Building Owners 

Navigating the complexities of tax law in real estate can be challenging, even for experienced investors. However, when managed effectively, these laws offer significant benefits. Two crucial areas to comprehend are Section 1245 and Section 1250 depreciation recapture, as they can substantially impact tax liabilities when selling a property. A solid understanding of these rules […]
the Orphan Drug Tax Credit

Harness the Power of the Orphan Drug Tax Credit with Leyton

At Leyton, we’re not just about maximizing tax incentives; we’re about fueling innovation and gro...

Form 6765

Form 6765: Credit for Increasing Research Activities

What is the Research and Development Tax Credit?  The R&D Tax Credit, officially titled ...

Unlocking Growth: How the US R&D Tax Credit Empowers Robotics Companies

The US R&D Tax Credit has emerged as a game-changer, offering substantial benefits to fuel th...

Empowering Innovation: How the US R&D Tax Credit Can Boost Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Companies

Empowering Innovation: How the US R&D Tax Credit Can Boost Artificial Int...

Overview In the wake of the AI boom, sparked by pioneers like Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, and...

Leveraging the R&D Tax Credit: Biotechnology Innovation

Overview: Biotechnology, encompassing the manipulation of living organisms and their components t...

Leveraging the R&D Tax Credit: Cybersecurity Innovation

Overview: In the modern digital landscape, cybersecurity has become a cornerstone of business ope...

Leveraging Funding from The United States Department of Energy

The Grants & Incentives team at Leyton possesses the experience and technical expertise neces...

The Attached Statement Requirements for R&D Tax Credit Claims

The Attached Statement Requirements for R&D Tax Credit Claims

Effective January 10th, 2022, documentation requirements to claim the R&D credit became a bit...

R&D against TMT

R&D Tax Credit Against Tentative Minimum Tax (TMT)

How much R&D tax credit can I utilize? With changes in legislation, the threshold has changed

Underutilization of R&D

Underutilization of the R&D Tax Credit in the US

The R&D Tax Credit has been around since 1981. It is a government sponsored tax incentive off...

IRC 174 things are changing

IRC 174: Things are changing

New rules require companies to capitalize and amortize all IRC § 174 domestic qualified research ...

R&D Tax Credit for Dental Practice

In 2015, when the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act was passed to stimulate the econ...