Pitfalls of Sales Tax Software

  • By Gerald Byrd
    • Jun 30, 2023
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pitfalls of sales tax software

Sales Tax software can be an effective tool for managing Sales Tax compliance if configured properly. Customizing and supporting unmodified software can be challenging, time-consuming, and expensive for providers. Therefore, from the experience of our customers, that level of needed support is not often provided, and ultimately the responsibility lies with the customer to tailor the software to their specific business needs. Furthermore, there are several key areas that Sales Tax software simply can’t cover or keep up with to provide total and up-to-date Sales Tax compliance coverage.


Even if you manage to set up the software correctly, constant management and oversight of the software are critical to ensure its proper functionality on a monthly basis. There are various confounding factors that can disrupt your software system. Below are some areas the software can fall short:


  • Sales Tax regulations can be complex and vary across different jurisdictions. Sales Tax software may struggle to accurately interpret and apply these complex rules, leading to potential errors or miscalculations.

Updates and Maintenance

  • Sales Tax laws and rates are subject to frequent changes, with new regulations and exemptions introduced regularly. Outdated Sales Tax software can lead to compliance issues if it doesn’t accurately reflect changes.

Integration Challenge

  • Integrating Sales Tax software with existing accounting or e-commerce systems can be challenging. Compatibility issues or difficulties in synchronizing data can lead to inaccuracies or delays in tax calculations and reporting.

Customization Limitations

  • Some Sales Tax software solutions offer limited customization options. Businesses with unique or specialized tax requirements may find it challenging to adapt the software to their specific needs, potentially resulting in compliance issues.

Complexity of Exemptions and Special Cases

  • Sales Tax software may struggle to handle exemptions, special tax rates, and unique scenarios that require manual intervention. Businesses with complex exemption scenarios or industries with specific tax rules may find the software lacking in flexibility.

Audits and Liability

  • While Sales Tax software can automate calculations and reporting, businesses remain liable for accurate tax filing. In the event of an audit, relying solely on the software’s calculations may not be sufficient to demonstrate compliance, and businesses may still be held responsible for any errors or omissions.

Customer Support and Training

  • Inadequate customer support or training resources provided by the Sales Tax software vendor can make it challenging for users to understand and effectively utilize the software. This can lead to errors or inefficiencies in the tax compliance process.

Scalability Limitations

  • Sales Tax software designed for small or medium-sized businesses may struggle to scale effectively as the business grows or expands into new jurisdictions. The software’s capacity to handle higher transaction volumes and increased complexity may be limited.

Reliance on Data Accuracy

  • Sales Tax software relies on accurate and up-to-date data, such as product codes, customer addresses, and tax rates. If the data entered into the system is incorrect or incomplete, the software’s calculations and reporting may be flawed.

Changes in Nexus Situations

  • Sales Tax software is not able to address business activities outside of sales to determine if a connection to a particular jurisdiction, which determines if you are obligated to collect and remit Sales Tax, has changed over time.


Sales Tax professionals, like Leyton’s State & Local Tax team, can bring valuable expertise and advantages that can make them more effective than relying solely on Sales Tax software. Here are some reasons why teaming with Leyton would be so beneficial:

Knowledge and Expertise

Leyton’s professionals possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in Sales Tax regulations, rules, and complexities. They understand the nuances of various jurisdictions and can navigate the intricacies of Sales Tax compliance. Their experience allows them to interpret laws accurately, identify exemptions, and handle special cases that software may struggle with.

Adaptability and Judgment

Leyton’s professionals can exercise judgment and adapt their knowledge to unique situations or changing regulations. They can make informed decisions in complex scenarios where software may provide limited guidance. Their ability to assess the specific needs of a business, apply exemptions appropriately, and navigate evolving tax laws helps minimize compliance risks.

Customization and Flexibility

Leyton’s professionals can tailor their approaches to the specific needs of a business. They can configure Sales Tax processes, develop workflows, and implement controls that align with the company’s operations. This customization can be challenging with Sales Tax software that may offer limited flexibility.

Proactive Monitoring and Compliance

Leyton’s professionals proactively monitor changes in Sales Tax laws and regulations. They stay informed about new requirements, exemptions, and rates, and ensure timely compliance. Unlike software, which relies on updates and may miss certain changes, Leyton actively tracks developments and makes necessary adjustments.

Risk Management and Strategy

Leyton’s professionals can help businesses develop effective strategies to manage Sales Tax risks and optimize their tax positions. They can identify opportunities for tax savings, evaluate the tax implications of business decisions, and offer guidance on structuring transactions to minimize Sales Tax exposure. Software may lack the strategic perspective and guidance that Leyton can provide.

Human Interaction and Customer Service

Leyton’s professionals can offer personalized customer service and support. They can address specific concerns, provide explanations, and guide businesses through complex Sales Tax matters. Human interaction can be more comforting and reliable for businesses facing challenges or seeking clarification compared to relying solely on software support.

Continuity and Adaptation

Leyton’s professionals provide continuity and adaptability during organizational changes or transitions. They can navigate adjustments in business models, expansion into new jurisdictions, or changes in tax laws. Leyton can analyze the impact of these changes and ensure compliance and operational efficiency, whereas software may require reconfiguration or additional implementation.

While Sales Tax software can streamline processes and provide accurate calculations, Leyton’s professionals offer a human touch, expertise, and the ability to handle complex situations. Combining the strengths of Leyton with the automation of software can lead to effective Sales Tax compliance and optimal outcomes for businesses.


Gerald Byrd

State & Local Tax Sr. Consultant

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