Driving Growth in the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the US economy, while at the same time supporting millions of jobs and reinvesting in our communities. Leyton can help build a strong foundation for your business. 

Want to learn how your company can better adapt to rising operational costs and irregular cash flows?

By leveraging government tax credits, hospitality businesses can continue to expand multi-state operations and accelerate their presence in the industry. Our experts are focused on how businesses can access cutting-edge government incentives for future innovation investment. Leyton helps companies in the hospitality industry claim the Employee Retention Credit, Energy Efficiency Incentives and State and Local Taxes (SALT)

Claim Your Employee Retention Credit Now!

Receive up to $26,000 per employee.
We’ll calculate your ERC for all applicable financial quarters during 2020 and 2021, ensuring you are receiving your maximum benefit.

How your Hospitality Business can qualify for the Employee Retention Credit

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    Your quarterly revenue has been reduced by 50% or more in 2020 compared to 2019
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    Your quarterly revenue has been reduced by 20% or more in 2021 compared to 2019
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    Your business had to close or partially shutdown due to government orders as a result of COVID-19
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    Your suppliers were subject to government shutdown due to COVID-19
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    Your business or nonprofit has 10 or more W2 employees

Energy Efficiency Incentives

Improving Business Performance through Sustainability & ESG

Energy Efficiency Qualifying Questions

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    Have you built a new building or upgraded an existing building in the last three years?
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    Have you built or upgraded a multifamily block that has three floors or fewer in the last three years?
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    Have you fitted those buildings with energy efficient systems across HVAC, Lighting, and Envelope
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    Are you working on projects that involve renewable energy or decarbonization?

State and Local Tax (SALT)

Helping multi-state businesses navigate complexities of SALT

State and Local Taxes (SALT) Qualifying Questions

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    Do you have employees working in multiple states?
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    Do you sell your products or services in multiple states?
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    Do you store inventory in multiple states?
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    Do you use a Sales Tax compliance automation software?
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    Are you currently going through a state tax audit?
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    Have you recently received a nexus questionnaire from a state authority?

Great People
Define Our Success

Our team made up of Tax and Technical experts are motivated to help your business robustly claim these to further innovation investment.

devin medrek

Devin Medrek

Financial Team Lead
Savanna Durham

Savannah Durham, BSE

Technical Consultant

Ebraheim Ismail, MSc.

Employee Retention Credit Team Leader

Benjamin Brissette, MBA

Financial Consultant

Client Testimonial

“What was surprising and is still surprising to me are all the groups I speak with that haven’t taken the time to look at it (ERC) and see if their business qualifies.”

Peter Twachtman, CEO Lark

“Working with Leyton has been a great experience! They helped me unlock a lot of funds that we were then able to immediately put back into the business. This was especially helpful during the ongoing pandemic as our business was significantly affected. Looking forward to working with them again this year!”

David Chan, President Budget Restaurant Supply

Backed by 25 years of experience, we’re here to empower your future.

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