Information & Communication Technology

You may be eligible for R&D tax reliefs.

Is your business benefiting from valuable R&D incentives?

Cloud, Big Data, Artificial intelligence or “as a service” are more than just buzzwords. They are the driving factors of the fourth industrial revolution. These concepts will only become more important as we are entering the fifth revolution. Automation and digitalisation is expected both by consumers and for B2B services and often considered as the new norm. To meet these ever increasing demands from the market, the ICT-sector has to innovate continuously. Again and again the boundaries are expanded and techniques are pushed to their limits. The rapid evolution of technology continuously pushes the boundaries of R&D in the ICT sector, presenting a significant challenge in defining its limits. Our experts can help you tackle this challenge and identify the right set of incentives linked to innovation.

Examples of qualifying activities within Information & Communication Tech include:

  • Creation of new or more efficient algorithms using new technologies
  • Development of new methods for measuring consumer expectations and preferences
  • Efforts to resolve conflicts within hardware or software
  • Novel applications of technologies such as AI or Machine learning
  • Development of IoT-systems
  • Application of new ICT-technologies to enable an innovative business model
  • Establish new methods or tools to accelerate software development

About Leyton

At Leyton, we leverage our expertise in innovation funding to offer a comprehensive tax relief claim service. From the initial consultation to the realization of benefits, our experienced tax professionals work closely with you as a business, guiding you through the R&D tax relief scheme and compiling the necessary technical reports for claim submission. This approach ensures a seamless process for you as a client.

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