Sustainability by Leyton

Our ambition

Sustainable development is at the heart of our DNA.  Through the Sustainability by Leyton programme, we are coordinating all our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) actions by using the expertise of our employees in technical, energy and economic transitions. Additionally, our group also sponsors numerous organizations and foundations whose social, environmental and societal causes we support.

In all the countries where we are based, our employees are prepared to respond to the challenges of tomorrow with both customers and organisations alike. Now more than ever, our responsibility as a business is to actively participate in the social and environmental transition by integrating these topics into our activity. To register our development, we have grand ambitions and numerous projects – those of our employees and clients in a sustainable outlook.

François Gouilliard CEO and founder of the Leyton Group

An international commitment – local actions

Our global commitment is complemented by localized actions in each country it operates. This approach ensures that efforts are tailored to meet specific local needs, with teams of dedicated employees volunteering to carry out daily social and environmental initiatives.

Do you want to take part in our projects?

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