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How to Apply to the Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Investment Tax Credit?

The CCUS investment tax credit (carbon capture, utilization, and storage) is a new investment tax credit created to support clean tech...
Bidirectional Encoder Representations

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers

The technological objective of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) was...

Digital twin, software, manufacturing, architecture

What is a Digital Twin? Applications, and Challenges

The concept of a digital twin is not a new topic. We live in an era where technology is progressi...

Fintech trends 2023

The Top Fintech Trends That Can Earn You Funding in 2023

The fintech industry is rapidly evolving and becoming highly competitive. Following these trends ...


Driving User Engagement through Gamification in Digital Marketing

User engagement is crucial for success in digital marketing. With most digital marketing campaign...

EUREKA program

Know your grants – Episode 13: Eureka Program

Discover the EUREKA Program with Leyton! For this episode, we explain how this grant can finance ...

stock market

ML Models for Stock Market Prediction

Stock market prediction is a difficult task. It has become a crucial topic in several research fi...

gaming genre

The New Gaming Genres Changing the Industry Landscape

AR and VR are two gaming genres that are changing the landscape of the gaming industry. Discover ...

Software industry header

Charting the Course for Software industry

The software industry is becoming more advanced and despite challenges, its future is promising. ...

The future of telecommunication

The Future of Telecommunication Technology: How the Latest Innovation...

Telecommunication technology is the technology that enables us to communicate, in real-time, with...

Long short term memory AI

Long Short-Term Memory networks

Long Short-Term Memory networks are a unique technology used for artificial intelligence, video g...

Urbanization & Smart cities

Urbanization & the Rise of Smart Cities

High and rapid rates of urbanization are creating the opportunity to develop smart cities: learn ...


Know your grants – Episode 11: Ecoperformance Program

Watch our expert share all the details on the EcoPerformance Program and how you can access this ...