By prioritizing sustainability and environmental stewardship, chemisty companies are revolutionizing the way we approach manufacturing, energy, healthcare, and more. Through collaboration and investment in research and development, companies from the industry in Canada are shaping a brighter future and making significant contributions to global innovation.
The chemistry industry in Canada is a vital and dynamic sector that encompasses various fields such as chemical production, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. It plays a crucial role in driving innovation, supporting economic growth, and creating employment opportunities. However, accessing government funding can be complex for chemistry companies seeking financial support.
At Leyton, we excel in helping chemistry companies navigate the landscape of governmental funding. We understand the unique challenges faced by the industry and have in-depth knowledge of available incentives such as SR&ED tax credits and government grants.
Leyton’s team of highly experienced engineers and tax experts, create strong partnerships with each client to ensure maximum financial returns.
Laurent Lecanu
Science specialistObtain a deduction or credit based on income expenditures and costs associated with R&D activities.
An efficient methodology which allows a fast recovery and compliance issue identification contribute to improving cash flow.
Funding program for small to medium-sized businesses seeking innovation opportunities.
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