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grant proposal

How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal: Expert Tips

Writing a grant proposal is a difficult task for business owners but it is a task that should not be ignored. By following our expert tips...
3D printing

3D printing technology – what does the future hold?

3D printing technology has become increasingly popular with our rising desire to create. So, what...

Post-COP27 header

Post-COP27: Canada and Climate Action

COP27 allows world leaders to address the challenges of climate change and propose concrete actio...

Intelligent Aeronautical Design Article header

Intelligent Aeronautical Design 4.0

Aeronautical design processes are evolving to address modern issues such as fuel consumption. Lea...

Advancements in decarbonization technology

Climate change is a major concern, and the creation of new decarbonization technologies represent...

Forest industry: the importance of R&D

The forest industry must constantly renew its products and innovate to maintain its competitivene...

Pharma-industry header

Pharmaceutical industry: in pursuit of R&D

The growth of the Canadian pharmaceutical industry is fueled by research and development, creatin...

Cannabis in Canada

Overcoming Challenges in the Cannabis Industry through Innovation

Since the legalization of cannabis in Canada, innovators in the industry have been faced with a c...

Quantum technology

Regional Quantum Initiative

Quantum research beneifts from a lot of funding to encourage technological growth in companies. F...

Blockchain Futuristic Conference

The Future of Web3 as told by Leyton Employees – Blockchain Futuristic ...

During our time at Collision 2022, the Leyton team got a sneak peak of the latest up and coming t...

Collision conference Toronto 2022

The Future of Innovation as told by Leyton Employees – Collision 2022

During our time at Collision 2022, the Leyton team got a sneak peak of the latest up and coming t...

Federal Budget 2022

Must-Knows for Canadian Innovators: New Opportunities with Federal Budget 2022

Federal Budget 2022 is a must-know for all Canadian innovators. To enable you to focus on your bu...

Public Health Funding

Advancing Canada’s Public Health Sector: New Funding Available for Health-Foc...

In this article., discover how the Federal Budget 2022 is advancing innovations in the public hea...