Sustainability by Leyton

Our ambition

Sustainable development is at the heart of Leyton’s DNA.   Through the Sustainability by Leyton programme, we are coordinating all our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) actions by relying on the expertise of our employees in technical, energy and economic transition.  Our group also sponsors numerous organisations and foundations, whose social, environmental and societal causes we support.


UN Global compact

In order to structure this approach, we have decided to join the UN Global Compact – one of the United Nation’s international networks – undertaking to implement 10 universal principles and to annually communicate on the progress made in each office around the world.

Leyton annually issues an accurate United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP) to highlight its key sustainable achievements.  

Read the report

Pure Ocean

The Pure Ocean Fund supports innovative projects which aim to build on the knowledge and preservation of fragile marine ecosystems and biodiversity. The support provided by Leyton since 2019 is helping to fund new technological, environmental and social innovations for the protection of the oceans. 

In all the countries where we are based, our employees are prepared to respond to the challenges of tomorrow with both customers and organisations alike. Now more than ever, our responsibility as a business is to actively participate in the social and environmental transition by integrating these topics into our activity. To register our development, we have grand ambitions and numerous projects – those of our employees and clients in a sustainable outlook.

François Gouilliard CEO and founder of the Leyton Group

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