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Business trends

Top 5 Trends & Predictions in Business Funding: What’s Next for Canada?

What's next in the world of business funding? We've analyzed the data and discovered the emergence of particular innovation trends...
Metaverse blockchain

Integration of the Metaverse with Blockchain

The metaverse is a virtual, shared, and interconnected digital universe that combines aspects of ...

labour protection

Blockchain’s Potential against Labour Exploitation

In this article, we explore how blockchain technology emerges as a robust remedy to protect labor...

Grant evaluation

Securing a Grant: Grant Evaluation and Impact Assessment

Grant evaluation and impact assessments can highly impact your chances of securing a grant. These...

social media data

Collecting and Analyzing Social Media Data

Social media data is available at massive volumes, and is often scattered and sometimes incomplet...

government funding

Lessons in Applying for Funding in 2023

2023 brought plenty of lessons in applying for funding and we're sharing them with you, so you ca...

Government funding programs

Government Funding Programs Available to Support Innovation

There are various government funding programs available to foster innovation and drive technologi...

Know your grants – Episode 17: Alberta Innovates

Discover the Alberta Innovats Program with Leyton! For this episode, we explain how this grant ca...

dynamic spectrum

The Need for Dynamic Spectrum

The radio spectrum bands are uniquely divided into fixed number of distinct frequency channels in...

additive manufacturing

Benefits of Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing (AM) is behind the optimization and improvement of the quality of metal ob...

James Webb Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope, UFOs & the Universe

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was launched into space late in 2021, and in its first y...

rare earth recycling

The Challenge of Rare Earth Recycling 

On top of being necessary in mostly all electronic devices REEs are a cornerstone in the developm...

manufacturing techniques aerospace

Advancements in Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Aerospace Components 

Conventional manufacturing techniques have historically played a fundamental role in the industry...