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grant proposal

How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal: Expert Tips

Writing a grant proposal is a difficult task for business owners but it is a task that should not be ignored. By following our expert tips...
Human-Machine Collaboration

Human-Machine Collaboration in IT-Enhanced Manufacturing Environments 

Human-Machine Collaboration has become an essential part of the manufacturing industry. This coll...

SR&ED Program Change

Is the SR&ED Program Changing?

Recent announcements demonstrate that the SR&ED program is now under review. The government w...

edge computing

Edge Computing as a Solution for Cloud Computing

Edge computing has emerged as a compelling solution by enabling localized data processing and red...

computer science

The Dynamic Relationship between Computer Science and Robotics

While the integration of computer science and robotics promises immense benefits, it also present...

environmental sustainability

The Power of AI in Revolutionizing Environmental Sustainability  

AI's advanced algorithms and data processing capabilities are enabling us to tackle crucial envir...


Unlocking Global Markets with CanExport

CanExport SME currently offers $50,000 in funding to SMEs registered in Canada for international ...

Medical Professional Corporations

Unlocking SR&ED Tax Credits for Medical Professional Corporations (MPCs)

MPCs, alongside other regulated professional corporations like engineering firms, play a crucial ...

AI project

How AI Projects are Changing the Landscape

AI emerges as the forerunner of change, revolutionizing the way we approach problem-solving and r...

AI-powered automation

How AI-Powered Automations are Reshaping Industries

Recent studies have demonstrated that approximately 44% of organizations have a significant inter...

Alberta Innovation Grants

What Grants are Available for Innovation in Alberta?

Whether you're a digital entrepreneur, a pioneer in clean energy, or an advocate for healthcare a...

Optimizing The Cloud for Cost-Efficiency and Performance 

The cloud fundamentally changes how computing resources are provisioned, accessed, and managed. O...


Patents & SR&ED: Building a strategy for your R&D efforts

Are you looking to patent your latest invention? You may want to consider this strategy and utili...