Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence
grant proposal

How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal: Expert Tips

Writing a grant proposal is a difficult task for business owners but it is a task that should not be ignored. By following our expert tips...
artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: Use, applications and impact in the services sector

This increase in productivity has translated into greater efficiency and lower costs, but has als...

Data governance

What is Data Governance and Why is it Important for Canada?

Data governance is the establishment of decision rights and an accountability framework to ensure...

Long short term memory AI

Long Short-Term Memory networks

Long Short-Term Memory networks are a unique technology used for artificial intelligence, video g...

Can Artificial Intelligence achieve sentience

Can AI achieve Sentience?

In this new article, our expert explains how artificial intelligence can succeed in developing fo...

Artificial Intelligence

Canada, a World-Renowned Hub for Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is taking over the business landscape. The Canadian government continues ...