Meet our client KAT innovation: Creator of innovative medical technologies that improve patient well-being

  • By Sirena Baudin
    • Jun 23, 2023
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KAT Innovation aims to be a leader in the medical technology industry by offering innovative solutions, such as the OSTAAT™ medical device, that provide effective, side-effect-free treatments for unmet medical needs.

How was your company born?

The desire to create this company stems from a scientific discovery made by researchers in the Department of Human Kinetics at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and a retired researcher from the Naval Health Research Center (NHRC) in San Diego, California.

Combining their expertise and inspired by the results of a study by scientist Cao (2011) , our researchers felt it appropriate to analyze available but unused results from a study on targeted fat loss by electrical stimulation to verify the effect of this type of stimulation on bone growth (Bone Response to Electrical Stimulation prepared by our group (available on request)). Our analyses demonstrated a significant increase in bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mass (BM) at the stimulation site in the stimulated group compared with the unstimulated (placebo) group.

It was for all these reasons that this company was created. KAT Innovation was born of a genuine passion for innovation, the design and realization of new technologies that can change lives. A dynamic and committed entrepreneur, Marcel Maroist, the company’s president and founder, has always worked in the field of health, fitness and sport.

Can you present your products and what are their uses?

KAT Innovation is developing a line of smart clothing featuring OSTAAT™ technology to stimulate bone growth in patients with osteoporosis associated or not with chronic kidney disease who are looking for a non-invasive solution to prevent or heal any type of fracture including, more specifically, hip fracture.

What sets you apart from your competitors?

OSTAAT™ will compete with other bone growth devices, drugs and dietary supplements. – Other devices focus on treating unconsolidated fractures, are difficult to use and expensive. – Osteoporosis drugs and dietary supplements can cause serious side effects and are contraindicated for patients with severe CKD-related osteoporosis.

The value proposition of OSTAAT™ is different. Our mechanism of action enables our solution to be used preventively, reducing the risk of fracture. It can also be used after a hip fracture to accelerate healing and reduce the risk of potential complications

What are your future projects?

The ultimate goal is to commercialize multi-zone intelligent garments, enabling bone growth in all the bones of the body, both to accelerate the healing process for fractures of all kinds, whatever the age of the person, whatever the condition, and to reduce the risk of fractures. Our aim is also to convince the Space Agencies that our technology should be used by astronauts, both in preparation for a mission in space, during their stay and on their return to earth afterwards.

What is your greatest achievement?

Beyond this project, of which I’m very proud, and my daughter and grandchildren, who fill me with happiness and love, I’m just as passionate about health and sport as ever. I’ve been practicing martial arts since the age of 12; I’m a Grand Master with an 8th dan black belt in Taekwondo and I’ve had a career filled with victories in world championships, which has enabled me to travel and visit over 48 countries on the planet.

Are you a company in the health sector? Contact our experts now!

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