What Grants are Available for Innovation in Alberta?

  • By Antoine Giroir
    • Feb 22, 2024
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Alberta Innovation Grants

Are you looking for grants for innovation in Alberta? Then, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a digital entrepreneur, a pioneer in clean energy, or an advocate for healthcare advancements, Alberta offers a range of funding opportunities to nurture your ideas and foster growth. In this article, we will explore some of the prominent grants available in the province of Alberta by sector.

Alberta Clean Energy and Technology Grants

Clean Resources Innovation Grants 

Alberta’s commitment to sustainable development is reflected in the Clean Resources Innovation Grants. These grants encompass five distinct technology portfolios, focusing on Advanced Hydrocarbons, Clean Technology, Environmental Innovation, Smart Agriculture and Food, and Bioindustrial Materials. Typically targeted at technology readiness levels (TRL) 3 to 7, these grants typically do not exceed $2 million per project, with support ranging from 25% to 50%. Projects under $200,000 may see decisions in as little as three months, while larger projects may take four to six months for approval. 

Digital Innovations in Clean Energy (DICE) 

The Digital Innovations in Clean Energy (DICE) grant supports the development of technology that creates jobs in the digital economy, reduces energy sector emissions, and enhances energy production efficiency. It provides funding equivalent to 50% of the project cost, up to a maximum of $350,000

Alberta Digital and Technology Grants

Alberta Digital Traction 

For digital companies looking to scale and expand their operations, the Alberta Digital Traction grant is a valuable resource. It offers financial support, covering up to 75% of eligible costs, with a maximum grant of $50,000. This grant is specifically designed for small and medium-sized Alberta enterprises (SMEs) that have software development at the core of their products. 


For those focused on healthcare innovation, the ImplementAB.digH grant delivers new models of care using digital health technology. It provides $300,000 CAD per project, not to exceed 50% of total eligible project costs, and supports projects for 18 months. 

Healthcare and Health Technology Grants

Accelerating Innovations into CarE (AICE) – Validate Program 

AICE’s Validate Program is dedicated to accelerating the commercialization of emerging health technologies through early validation phases. This grant offers up to 75% of eligible costs and up to $300,000 CAD to support approved projects over a maximum term of 24 months. 

Accelerating Innovations into CarE (AICE) – Market Access Program 

The Market Access Program, another component of AICE, supports Alberta-based health technology SMEs in conducting clinical or real-world trials worldwide. It covers 50% of total eligible project costs, with a cap of $600,000 CAD per project over a maximum term of 24 months. 

Industry R&D Associates Program 

This program assists tech companies seeking in-house research and development expertise. It offers up to $105,000 in non-dilutive funding to cover professional research and development salaries for one year. 

Albert Innovation Grants

Agriculture and Agri-Food Grants

Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program 

The Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program aims to address challenges in Alberta’s agri-food and bioindustrial sectors by funding technology development. It covers 75% of project costs, up to a maximum of $500,000

Farm Technology Program 

This program supports the adoption of innovative technology in agriculture to minimize waste, optimize efficiency, and promote best practices in farm security. It offers funding of 50% of eligible costs, up to $50,000

On-Farm Value-Added 

The On-Farm Value-Added grant supports projects that add value to agricultural products, facilitating sales growth, expanded production capacity, and market exploration. Capital expenses are funded at 25%, while non-capital expenses receive 50% funding, up to $250,000

General Innovation and Emerging technologies Grants

Emerging Opportunities Program 

For innovations with significant growth potential, the Emerging Opportunities Program provides support for capital and non-capital expenses, with a maximum grant of $1,000,000. This program can aid in expanding technologies, best practices, and capacity. 

Innovation Voucher 

The Innovation Voucher program serves as a catalyst for technological solutions and emerging technologies. It offers funding ranging from $10,001 to $100,000, aiming to de-risk feasible technological solutions and promote innovation. 

Industry Commercialization Associates Program 

To expedite the commercialization of new technologies or innovative products, the Industry Commercialization Associates Program provides up to $120,000 in non-dilutive funding. 

Alberta’s grant landscape offers a multitude of opportunities for innovators across various sectors. Whether you’re a digital entrepreneur, a clean energy enthusiast, or a healthcare pioneer, these grants are designed to support your projects and help turn your innovative ideas into reality. Explore these funding options with Leyton, and take the first step toward making a lasting impact on Alberta’s innovation ecosystem. 


Antoine Giroir

Senior Government Grants Consultant

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