Know your grants – Episode 08: MAPAQ

  • By Antoine Giroir
    • Sep 22, 2022
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Discover the MAPAQ with Leyton! In this new series of monthly videos, our consultant team will help you discover specific government grants available in Canada, and share key details that you need to know.

For this episode, our Government Grants Consultant, Antoine Giroir, will go through the MAPAQ, also known as the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec, and explain how this program can transform the food sector through robotization and quality systems.

This video has been recorded in French. English Translation Below.

Examples of topics covered:

  • What is the MAPAQ
  • The components of the grants and the funding available
  • Eligibility for the program
  • And more!
Watch our expert share all details on the MAPAQ

The objective of the MAPAQ program

The objective of this program is to support and accelerate investments in automation and robotization to ensure the competitiveness of the Quebec industry as well as its attractiveness to the workforce and to support the implementation of quality management systems in order to help companies develop their domestic or international markets.

The program is therefore divided into 3 parts:  

Component 1 – Planning a project

This component provides a diagnostic package to improve workforce productivity and food safety and quality management. It also includes the design of plans and specifications to carry out these projects. MAPAQ is able to accompany businesses from the beginning of their project.  

Eligibility for Part 1:

  • To benefit from this support you must be registered in Quebec
  • have at least 1 year of operation
  • have a minimum of $300,000 in wholesale or online sales.
  • It is also necessary to have equity of at least 100,000 dollars

and at least one of the following categories: 

  • Businesses that carry out food processing activities
  • Businesses that carry out at least two other activities recognized by the Ministry; 
  • Businesses that operate a central kitchen (only the latter can be the subject of a project: branches are not eligible)

Each Stream 1 project can be funded at 50% of eligible expenses, for a minimum of $10,000 and a maximum of $75,000.  

Eligible expenses include, for example: 

  • Fees and travel expenses for external experts; 
  • Purchase of specialized information for the realization of the project 

Component 2 – Project implementation is divided into 2 categories:  

Subcomponent 2.1 – Process Automation and Robotics – includes projects that have a diagnostically demonstrated labor productivity gain:  

  • Automation or robotization of a process 
  • Development or implementation of new processes and new technologies
  • Improvement of an automated or robotized process. 

Subcomponent 2.2 – Food Safety and Quality Management Systems – includes projects that install and adapt food safety and quality management systems and organic certifications: 

  • Implementation of a quality and safety management system for basic foods that incorporates good manufacturing practices
  • Implementation of a preventive control plan 
  • Implementation of one of the recognized food safety and quality management systems 

The eligibility criteria are the same as for component 1 

  • Businesses engaged in food processing activities or at least two other activities recognized by the Ministry that, at the time of their application, offer their food for wholesale or online sale
  • Businesses operating a central kitchen. 
  • Registered in the Quebec Business Register; 
  • A minimum of one full year (12 months) of operation; 
  • During the last fiscal year: 
  • minimum sales of $300,000; 
  • minimum equity of $100,000. 

Grant Financing:

Sub-component 2.1 and 2.2: 50% of project expenses up to $150,000

Eligible expenses include:  

  • Fees and travel expenses of expert consultants 
  • Design of plans and specifications for the project 
  • Cost of materials 
  • Rental costs for equipment and specialized premises 
  • Purchase, modification, delivery and installation of new or used equipment from an equipment supplier with a minimum three-month warranty 
  • Cost of materials. 

If you wish to learn more information about this grant and how we can help you apply for it, contact one of our experts today!

About our Government Grant Consultant, Antoine Giroir

Antoine Giroir has a master’s in International Relations with experience in European project management and proposal writing. He has worked with researchers and entrepreneurs on various topics, from sustainable development to oncology targeting, in the European Union, the United States of America, and the People’s Republic of China. He is now helping Leyton’s clients leverage public funding (federal and provincial) to achieve their objectives while lowering the financial risks.


Antoine Giroir

Government Grants Consultant

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