5 Quebec Business Grants You Can Apply to Right Now

  • By Nicole Mirabal
    • May 16, 2024
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Quebec Business Grants

Are you hoping to secure a Quebec business grant but don’t know where to start? Then, we’ve got great news for you! There are various business grants available to support your business growth! Let’s explore five grants that you can apply for right now in Quebec to propel your business to new heights.

Why apply to a Quebec Business Grant?

From innovative startups to established enterprises, securing funding can be a game-changer for your success. Government grants allow you to unlock capital for your business, providing you with the financial support you didn’t think you had. You can use the funds to received to support your R&D projects, marketing activities, salaries, and more! Government grants are available to businesses of all sizes and industries and are typically granted in a cost-share format, allowing you to receive the grant in the form of a reimbursement after the work is performed.

Business Scale Up Grant

Objective: To foster innovation and business growth,

Project Focus: Acquisition of equipment or machinery and infrastructure, Commercialization and market development, and business management.

Grant Funding: Up to 50% of eligible cost. Funding is repayable without interest.

Deadline: Open. Funding can be awarded at any stage of a business’s development.

Horizon AI

Objective: Advance Canadian digital technologies

Project Focus:

  • AI for Health – expanding equitable access, personalized and advanced diagnostics and treatments.
  • AI for Earth –smart farming, food security and waste reduction; green exploration, extraction.
  • AI for Services – efficient documentation and administrative tasks.

Grant Funding: $3,000,000

Deadline: Open.

Sustainable Development Technology Grant

Objective: Support the development and demonstration of new environmental technologies that address climate change, clean air, clean water and clean soil.

Project Focus: Labour, Materials, Capital Assets & Software, Travel, Sub-contractors and others as deemed fit.

Grant Funding: On average 33% (up to 40%) of eligible projects costs with contributions between $2M – $4M over 5 years or less.

Deadline: Temporarily on Pause

Natural Products Canada (Proof of Concept)

Objective: Funding to supports projects that help to establish the commercial feasibility of innovative natural products or technologies with a Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) of 4-9 to advance development, commercialization, or de-risk subsequent investment.

Project Focus: The Program is intended to demonstrate the commercial feasibility of products and technologies.

Grant Funding: Up to 40% of the cost of the proof of concept project to a maximum of $250,000 over a maximum 18-month project period

Deadline: Open.

Canadian International Innovation Program

Objective: International research and development (R&D) collaboration with a foreign partner on projects that have the potential for commercialization.

Project Focus: Salaries, contractor fees, and travel expenses in collaboration with Brazil, China, India, Israel and South Korea.

Grant Funding: 50% of eligible project costs up to a maximum funding amount of $600,000 CAD over 12 to 36 months.

Deadline: Open.

Want to apply to these Quebec Business Grants?

With a wealth of business grants available in Quebec, now is the time to seize the opportunity and take your business to the next level. Whether you’re looking to innovate, expand, or export, there’s a grant program tailored to your needs. Don’t let funding constraints hold you back—contact us today to learn how to apply and optimize your chances of receiving these opportunities!


Nicole Mirabal

Brand Content Specialist

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