Actively manage your expenses to support your growth

    • Oct 27, 2021
    • 01h00
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Header webinaire taxe de vente et fynlam

Why optimize your internal processes? How to control your operating expenses and increase your profitability?

Get the answers to these questions from our experts: Claudine Fyfe, , President of Fynlam, Jean-Daniel Vermette , Sales Tax Manager, and François Huot , Client Management at Leyton Canada. They will present solutions that will help you improve your cash flow, among other things. Watch the replay today!

This webinar has been presented in french.

Examples of topics covered

  • Sustaining growth and maintaining competitiveness through sound supplier spend management and appropriate purchasing processes
  • Correctly collecting your sales tax
  • Reduce your property tax burden
  • And more!

About Fynlam

Fynlam is a leading procurement strategy and solutions company. It is dedicated to helping companies of all sizes increase their productivity and generate additional and sustainable profits by making them aware of the importance of optimal business management. Procurement in the success of their business strategies.

About Leyton

Every day, in Canada and around the world, Leyton teams are committed to their customers in a race for progress. Technological, environmental, and social progress. Sustainable progress. By obtaining financial solutions adapted to their challenges, our technical and fiscal experts maximize the development potential and sustainability of their clients, companies, and organizations of all sizes and in all sectors. For 24 years, the job of our 2,000 employees has been to provide a quantifiable, high-quality service, based on a proven methodology, constant monitoring, and innovative tools.


Claudine Fyfe
Claudine Fyfe

President of Fynlam

Claudine Fyfe
François Huot
François Huot

Client Management

François Huot
Jean-Daniel Vermette
Jean-Daniel Vermette

Sales Tax Manager - Leyton Canada

Jean-Daniel Vermette

Watch the webinar replay

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