Multimedia Tax Credit: Financing your digital project

Access the tax credit with the help of our experts

What is the Multimedia tax credit?

The multimedia tax credit is a federal tax credit available to Canadian companies that develop interactive digital media products. This program offers a refundable tax credit of 40% on eligible salaries and wages, up to a maximum of $500,000 per year. Eligible products include video games, educational software, mobile apps, and other digital media products that combine multiple forms of content, such as text, audio, and video.

This incentive varies from a province to another.

Find the tax credit related to your province
and get the most of it !

  • location_city

    The Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (OIDMTC) is a refundable tax credit that can be applied for at the end of a company’s tax year which a digital media product has been completed.

  • apartment

    The Tax Credit for the Production of Multimedia Titles (TCMT) is a Quebec government program that offers a refundable tax credit of up to 37.5% of eligible production expenses as well as eligible production costs. Eligible multimedia titles include video games, websites, mobile applications, and other interactive digital media products that meet certain criteria.

  • forest

    The Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (IDMTC) is for eligible registered corporations that develop interactive digital media products in BC. The credit is calculated as 17.5% of eligible salary and wages incurred in the tax year.

  • sailing

    The DMTC is a refundable tax credit claimed by eligible corporations for expenditures incurred and paid in Nova Scotia, which are directly attributable to the development of an eligible interactive digital media product.The DMTC is calculated as the lesser of 50% of ‘qualifying expenditures’ or 25% of ‘total expenditures’.

  • agriculture

    The Manitoba Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (MIDMTC) is a refundable corporate tax credit to stimulate economic growth and job creation in Manitoba’s interactive digital media industry and attract new investment to the sector. The credit is refundable, up to 40% on qualified Manitoba labour expenditures and certain marketing and distribution expenses.

  • waves

    The IDM tax credit is a refundable tax credit based on eligible salaries and eligible remuneration incurred by an eligible corporation for the development of interactive digital media products. The credit value is limited to $40,000 per eligible employee per calendar year and $2 million per company, or group of associated companies, per year.

Leyton’s steps for success

    Contract Signature

    Assign a consultant for your project.

    Kick off

    Meet with the consultant and gathering information on site or virtually.

    Technical review

    Assess eligibility & expenses for each project. Continuous communication with consultant as part of the preparation.

    Claim preparation

    Write technical reports and analyze financial data. Then your claim is send to your accountant for submission to the Government authorities.


    In case of an audit, our team prepares and advises you (tax and/or scientific audit).


    Track claims submitted until final payment of tax credits by requesting authorization to your company.

Fund your project by contacting our experts

Our in-house team of highly experienced consultants take on all the paperwork and enable you to make the most out of your grant application.

  1. Accelerate Your Innovation
  2. Grow Your Team
  3. Expand Internationally
  4. Access International Funding

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    Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).


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