LEYTON CONNECT – What you should know about the first edition

  • By Marine Benichou
    • Apr 29, 2024
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On Tuesday, April 16, Leyton Canada was pleased to host the first edition of Leyton Connect, a series of events where the customer is at the heart of the company’s strategy. Indeed, the company’s aim is to bring together partners and prospects from similar business sectors, so that exchanges between peers are all the more enriching.

For this occasion, we welcomed Laurent Tillement, Director of Partnerships – AI & Health at Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, accompanied by Laurent Lecanu, Business Development Manager at Leyton.

Since Mila is a global hub for scientific breakthroughs that inspire innovation and progress in AI for the benefit of all, the talk proved to be extremely cutting-edge, resulting in a stimulating exchange between participants.

Laurent discussed the influence of artificial intelligence on life sciences in Quebec, which is paving the way for revolutionary advances thanks to greater collaboration between researchers, companies and academic institutions. At the heart of this revolution, new innovations are emerging and contributing, for example, to the development of personalized therapies and targeted treatments that improve patients’ quality of life.

In Quebec in particular, the alliance between AI and life sciences is noteworthy for its dynamic ecosystem of internationally renowned players. Its importance has increased in recent years with the emergence of COVID-19: the urgency of the situation has encouraged theits development of AI in life sciences, guaranteeing it a promising future.

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