Unlocking Global Markets with CanExport

  • By Nicole Mirabal
    • Mar 13, 2024
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The Canadian government plays a multifaceted role in supporting businesses across various sectors. In the realm of international trade, initiatives like CanExport exemplify the government’s commitment to fostering a competitive and resilient Canadian economy. By providing financial assistance, market insights, and strategic guidance, the government empowers businesses to seize global opportunities, drive innovation, and contribute to economic prosperity. In this article, we delve into what CanExport is, how to apply for it, and the invaluable services it offers to Canadian exporters.

What is CanExport?

CanExport is a flagship initiative by the Canadian government designed to empower Canadian businesses in their quest for global expansion. It serves as a catalyst, providing financial assistance to Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to explore new international markets. With Canexport, businesses gain access to crucial funding that facilitates market development activities, fostering international growth and competitiveness.

CanExport SME currently offers $50,000 in funding to SMEs registered in Canada for international business activities for projects that have the potential to contribute significantly to Canada’s economic growth.

What Activities are Funded?

The program currently supports visits to foreign markets, in-person trade shows/meetings/conferences, participation in a trade mission, and the following non-travelling marketing activities:

  • Gathering market intelligence
  • Applying for intellectual property protection in international markets
  • Applying for certification in international markets
  • Seeking expert legal and business advice
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Translating, adapting or creating marketing materials
  • Attending virtual trade shows, networking functions, meetings or conferences

How to Apply?

CanExport SMEs is currently accepting applications from February 29, 2024, at 9am EST, to May 31, 2024, at 5pm EDT for projects beginning on or after April 1, 2024.

Applying for CanExport is a streamlined process aimed at minimizing bureaucratic hurdles and maximizing accessibility for SMEs. The application process typically involves the following steps:

  • Eligibility Check: Ensure your business meets the eligibility criteria outlined by Canexport. Generally, businesses must be registered in Canada, have fewer than 500 employees, and demonstrate a commitment to international market development.
  • Project Proposal: Prepare a comprehensive project proposal outlining your intended international market development activities. This may include market research, participation in trade missions or exhibitions, and promotional activities tailored to your target markets.
  • Application Submission: Submit your application through the Canexport portal during the designated intake periods. Be sure to provide all necessary documentation and information required to support your proposal.
  • Evaluation and Approval: Your application will undergo thorough evaluation by CanExport experts. Successful applicants will receive funding to support their international market development initiatives.
  • Implementation and Reporting: Upon approval, execute your project plan and adhere to reporting requirements outlined by CanExport. Timely and accurate reporting is crucial for accountability and future funding opportunities.

In conclusion, CanExport serves as a cornerstone of Canada’s international trade strategy, offering financial assistance and support to Canadian SMEs venturing into global markets. By leveraging initiatives like CanExport, Canadian businesses can unlock new avenues for growth, establish their presence on the global stage, and thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

If you are hoping to secure this grant for your project, at Leyton, our experts can help you develop a compelling application without disrupting your day to day activities. Schedule a free consultation with one of our consultants now!


Nicole Mirabal

Brand Content Specialist

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