Summary of Provincial Budgets 2024: Ontario & Quebec

  • By Nicole Mirabal
    • Apr 18, 2024
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Provincial Bugets

Provincial governments are slowly unveiling their provincial budgets outlining fiscal strategies to address key priorities, stimulate economic growth, and support various sectors and populations across the country. Although all provincial budgets have not yet been released to the public, so far each province presents a unique approach tailored to its specific needs and challenges. In this provincial budget overview, we delve into the highlights of the 2024 provincial budgets of Ontario and Quebec, examining the funding incentives and taxation changes that could impact you.

Ontario Budget 2024 Highlights:

Ontario’s 2024 budget prioritizes investments in infrastructure and healthcare amid challenging economic conditions. While innovation funding remains consistent with previous budgets, the government announced additional funding for:

  • Invest Ontario Fund
  • Healthtech procurement
  • Regional Innovation Centres
  • Advanced research computing
  • Digital twins for public infrastructure
  • Critical Minerals Innovation Fund

These initiatives aim to bolster economic activity, particularly in advanced manufacturing, life sciences, and tech sectors, while fostering innovation and supporting emerging technologies.

Provincial Budgets

Quebec Budget 2024 Highlights:

Quebec’s Budget 2024 focuses on strategic measures to fortify workforce development, bolster key industries, and promote innovation and sustainability. Initiatives include:

  • Supporting Quebec’s film and television production
  • Promoting innovation in the construction sector
  • Providing tax credits to support jobs in the IT sector
  • Promotion of technology adoption
  • Promotion of research
  • Growing of Quebec’s AI ecosystem.
  • Supporting the agricultural sector
  • Supporting the natural resource sector
  • Funding sustainable energy projects.

Additionally, initiatives to support entrepreneurship and raise awareness of available tax credits among small and medium-sized businesses were announced.

As the 2024 provincial budgets come to light, it is evident that each province is striving to navigate through economic challenges while prioritizing key sectors and populations. From Ontario’s investments in innovation and infrastructure to Quebec’s emphasis on industry development and sustainability, these budgets reflect a concerted effort to address pressing issues and propel economic growth. By implementing targeted funding incentives and taxation changes, provinces aim to foster innovation, stimulate economic activity, and build a resilient future for all Canadians. As the year progresses, the impact of these budget measures will unfold, shaping the economic landscape and influencing the trajectory of prosperity across the country.

If you are hoping to benefit from the new funding and incentives available in the 2024 budget for Ontario or Quebec, a Leyton, expert can help you develop a compelling application without disrupting your day to day activities. Schedule a free consultation with one of our consultants now!



Nicole Mirabal

Brand Content Specialist

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