Québec Sales Tax charged by certain suppliers outside Québec

    • Mar 24, 2021
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Our Sales Tax Consultant, Caroline Bii, explains everything you need to know about QST (Québec Sales Tax) charged by certain suppliers outside Quebec and certain operators of specified digital platforms.

Examples of questions covered

  • What’s the impact of this tax on companies?
  • What about the GST/HST?
  • How does Leyton help in this regard?
  • And more!

If you want more information about the QST registration, contact one of our experts today!

About our Sales Tax Consultant, Caroline Bii,

Caroline Bii, is a Masters’ Degree holder with over 21 years of work experience. For 13 years,  Caroline is a sales tax professional working in the private and public sectors. She carried out recovery audits of GST/HST and QST on large companies in the telecom, manufacturing, and retail sector and GST/HST and QST government audits on companies with revenues of over 200 million.


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