Prime-vert: financing innovation to create a healthy and sustainable food system in Quebec

  • By Antoine Giroir
    • Dec 08, 2021
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Quebec’s 2021-2022 budget focuses on developing its capacities in sustainable ways to ensure the competitiveness, sovereignty, and independence of the province. Jobs, business, and innovation are at the heart of this budget.

“In the 2021-2022 budget, the government is acting on several fronts to foster Quebec’s transition to a modern economy by aiding businesses to adapt their business models through innovation and by supporting workers in their efforts to requalify and integrate the job market.” – Eric Girar, Quebec’s Minister of Finance

To support innovation in Quebec, the government has designed an extensive range of programs. Today at Leyton, we can offer help on various funding opportunities such as the Prime-Vert program. Through this program, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food finances innovative initiatives, efforts to achieve health through food and the preservation of ecosystems.

Scientist researcher
Researcher observing the development of plant crops in a vertical farming facility.

As described on the official website you can find on this link, the Prime-Vert program aims to increase the adoption of agri-environmental practices by agricultural enterprises to contribute to the improvement of environmental quality and society’s health. It supports Quebec’s agricultural enterprises in undertaking ecosystem protection missions through innovation while promoting a collective approach facilitating the transfer of knowledge and strengthening the link between agriculture, health, and sustainability.

The 2021 Prime-Vert program focuses on five areas:

  • Preservation and improvement of water quality
  • Soil health and conservation
  • Reducing the use of pesticides and the risks they pose to health and the environment
  • Conservation of biodiversity
  • Combating climate change

These priorities are translated and adapted through 3 components:

Component 1 – Agricultural Enterprise and Environmental Intervention

Component 2 – Environmental Farm Regional or Interregional Approach

Component 3 – Supporting the Development and Transfer of Environmental Farm Knowledge

Each priority is divided into components focusing on specific matters through calls for projects to which participants can apply. Each application must be submitted in French and each project much be implemented in Quebec. It must also be based on sturdy scientific foundations and sound finances as well as relying on state-of-the-art innovation. The market study, potential transfer of results, linguistic revision of project deliverables, many aspects will be analyzed by the Ministry.

Researcher observing the development of vegetables in an agricultural facility.

For the end of the year 2021, we wish to highlight 4 programs currently accepting applications up until January.

Agri-environmental evaluation of precision farming technologies – Component 2

This stream funds two specific objectives: To support the realization of projects for the acquisition and transfer of knowledge on precision technologies allowing environmental gains that are currently available on the market in order to promote their use by agricultural businesses. And, to develop a network of on-farm test cases experimenting with precision agriculture technologies.

Application’s deadline for submitting projects to MAPAQ is January 07, 2022.

Increase knowledge of new precision and digital agriculture technologies – Component 3

The specific objective of this stream is to support technology development and transfer projects aimed at increasing the adoption of new precision and digital technologies known to have a positive influence on the environment.

Application’s deadline for submitting projects to MAPAQ is January 07, 2022.

Protection of insect pollinators in agricultural environments – Component 3

This stream’s objectives are to support development and technology transfer projects aimed at helping agricultural businesses carry out interventions that promote the improvement of biodiversity and, more specifically, to promote the protection of pollinating insects.

Application’s deadline for submitting projects to MAPAQ is January 11, 2022.

Improving agricultural water management and preventing water use conflicts – Component 2

This stream aims at supporting the implementation of knowledge acquisition and transfer projects that improve water management in agricultural areas and limit conflicts of use.

Application’s deadline for submitting projects to MAPAQ is January 13, 2022

Want to learn more?

For further information about the 2021 Prime-Vert Program, contact our team. We’ll be very happy to provide you with the best consultancy service.


Antoine Giroir

Government Grants Consultant

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