Exportation News & Opportunity – Episode 07

  • By Antoine Giroir
    • Jan 19, 2022
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Exportation News

Welcome to a new video of Leyton News Opportunity (LENO). This video helps you explore every aspect required when preparing for exports on an international scale!

In this episode, our grants consultant, Antoine Giroir, explains the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR), an international grants can enable your business to access the Canadian market or export from it.

Watch the video below to learn more…

Examples of topics covered:

  • What is the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)?
  • What is the mission of the SBIR Program?
  • How the SBIR Program is managed?
  • And more!

What is the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)?

The SBIR is a highly competitive federal grant available to US-based businesses. Through the SBIR, domestic small business are to further partake in R&D activities, and to engage in commercialization of new technology on the long-term.

What is the Mission of the SBIR Program?

The mission of the SBIR program is to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of high-tech innovations and R&D, as well as to support scientific excellence and technological innovation through the investment of federal research funds into critical American priorities to build a strong national economy. With this funding, you can target the Canadian market.

How is the SBIR Program Managed?

The U.S. Small Business Administration manages the SBA, which serves as the coordinating agency for the SBIR program. The program is then more precisely managed by 12 agencies. The SBA directs the agencies implementation of the program. Each of the 12 agencies have their own rules, objectives, and deadlines.

To learn more about the legislation associated with each agency, please contact one of our experts.

Is My Company Eligible for the SBIR Program?

Eligibility depends on each individual agency. Nonetheless, there are three basic criteria:

  1. Be an organized and for-profit entity with a place of business located within the United States.
  2. 50% of the organization must be owned and controlled by one or more individuals that are citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
  3. Less than 500 employees including affiliates.

How is the SBIR Program Structured?

The SBIR Program is structured in 3 phases. From R&D, basic research, to long-term commercialization.

Phase 1:

The objective of the first phase is to establish the technical merits, feasibility, and commercial potential of the proposed R&D efforts, and to determine the quality of performance of those awarded small business organizations prior to further supporting the project and any entity in phase two.

Phase 1 funding normally does not excess $150,000 and has a six month period of performance. Once phase 1 is successfully passed, companies may apply to phase 2 projects.

Phase 2:

Funding is based on the results achieved in phase 1, the scientific and technical merits, and also commercial potential for the projects proposed in phase two. Generally, only phase 1 awardees are eligible for phase two. Nonetheless, eligibility depends on the agency. Phase two awards normally do not exceed $1,000,000 and have a two year period of performance.

Phase 3:

Phase 3 is only available when appropriate. It has been designed for the small business to pursue the commercialization objective resulting from phase 1 and phase 2 federal R&D activity.

The SBIR program does not fund Phase III awards. In some Federal agencies, Phase III may involve follow-up on non-SBIR funded R&D or production contracts for products, processes or services intended for use by the U.S. Government.

How can Leyton Assist My Company with My Application the SBIR program?

Leyton is equipped with a team of experts dedicated to optimizing your funding. Alongside our digital tools, our expert team can guide you through the 12 agencies specific requirements, timelines, and more, all while you remain focused on the core of your business.

Interested in Defending your R&D Project and Achieving Commercialization?

For more information about this opportunity contact one of our experts today!

About our Government Grant Consultant, Antoine Giroir

Antoine Giroir has a master’s in International Relations with experience in European project management and proposal writing. He has worked with researchers and entrepreneurs on various topics, from sustainable development to oncology targeting, in the European Union, the United States of America, and the People’s Republic of China. He is now helping Leyton’s clients leverage public funding (federal and provincial) to achieve their objectives while lowering the financial risks.


Antoine Giroir

Government Grants Consultant

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