Cleantech Grants Every Innovator Should Apply For

  • By Nicole Mirabal
    • Jun 20, 2024
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Cleantech grants

With a growing concern for the environment, Cleantech Grants are emerging rapidly, which begs the question, how can you receive one? Grants can provide important capital to help you fund ongoing R&D projects, salaries, and marketing activities making them a highly desired asset. Luckily for you, there are many grants that your competitors may not know about, and we know just the tips and tricks on how to find them and make sure you receive one. Here is everything you need to know:

Which Cleantech Grants Should You Apply to?

The type of grant that you’ll apply for will be determined by a variety of factors including your goals and eligibility. Below you can find a list of the most popular grants in this space, how they can benefit you, and their application requirements.

Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)

IRAP accelerates research and development projects for Canadian innovators. Businesses can apply for funding contributions to develop and implement industrial process solutions and technology adoption projects.

Amount: Up to 60-80% of internal technical labor and subcontractor expenses
Eligibility: Employ 1-500 staff, incorporated for ≥2 years, committed to internal R&D activities
Timeline: Projects require approval before spending, with funding running from April 1 to March 31
Project Activities: Develop innovative products, processes, and services to solve internal technical challenges

Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC)

ISC provides grants and procurement contracts to stimulate technology research, development, and commercialization, helping SMEs overcome development hurdles and improve government operations.

Amount: Phase 1: Up to $150k; Phase 2: Up to $1M; Phase 3: Procurement contracts with no maximum
Eligibility: For-profit, privately held Canadian businesses with a maximum of 499 full-time employees
Timeline: Ongoing departmental innovation challenges with unique deadlines
Project Activities: Proof of concept and prototype development projects to solve federal government departmental innovation challenges

Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) – Net Zero Accelerator

The SIF Net Zero Accelerator Program supports rapid decarbonization projects, R&D, commercialization scale-up of clean technologies, and industrial transformation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Amount: Up to 50% in grant and/or loan funding for projects with a minimum budget of $10 million
Eligibility: Businesses operating in Canada with high growth potential and projects that result in significant environmental and economic benefits
Timeline: Continuous application intake
Project Activities: Development/adoption of cleantech across all industrial sectors, with a focus on aerospace, automobile manufacturing, and battery innovation

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)

SCAP aims to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resilience of the agriculture, agri-food, and agri-based products industries through sustainable cleantech and energy projects.

Amount: Varies by program, up to $3 million per project
Eligibility: Specific to each SCAP program
Timeline: Programs run until 2028
Project Activities: Diverse agricultural projects, such as the Meat Processing Capacity Initiative (MPCI), which offers up to $150,000 in grants for eligible meat processors and abattoirs in Ontario

Cleantech grants

What if none of these Cleantech Grants Apply to You?

Aside from grants, you can obtain funding in other forms, such as tax credits. Tax credits provide excellent resources that improve your financial situation. There are several Cleantech Investment Tax Credits available for all types of projects.

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Program

Amount: Up to 60% for capturing carbon from ambient air, up to 50% for capturing carbon from other sources, up to 37.5% for transporting, storing, or utilizing captured carbon
Timeline: Tax credits available for expenditures from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2040, with reduced credits from 2031

Clean Technology Investment Tax Credit Program

Amount: Up to 30% for investments in eligible property operational between March 28, 2023, and the end of 2033
Timeline: Reduced to 15% for property operational in 2034, no credit after 2034

Clean Hydrogen Investment Program

Amount: Up to 40% for hydrogen production projects operational between March 28, 2023, and the end of 2033
Timeline: Reduced credits for projects operational in 2034, no credit after 2034

Clean Technology Manufacturing Investment Program

Amount: 30% for investments in eligible property used for clean technology manufacturing and critical mineral extraction and processing from 2024 to 2031
Timeline: Reduced credits through 2034

Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credit Program

Amount: Up to 15% for investments in projects generating clean electricity or storing electricity without fossil fuels
Timeline: Available for projects starting construction after the 2024 federal budget, no credit after 2034

Not Sure What Funding is Best For Your Cleantech project?

Finding the right funding for your project can be extremely overwhelming and time consuming. For this reason, we recommend that you speak with an expert in government funding. At Leyton, our experts can not only advise on the best funding option for you, but they can also apply on your behalf so you can focus on what really matters to you.

Ready to get started?



Nicole Mirabal

Brand Content Specialist

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