How to Successfully Apply to Grants: EcoLeader Program

  • By Antoine Giroir
    • Jul 04, 2023
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EcoLeader Program

About the EcoLeader Program:

The aim of the EcoLeader program is to implement eco-responsible practices or clean technologies in order to improve the company’s balance sheet. There are three levers: financing, a network of advisors, and tools.

Who is Eligible and What are the Typical Profiles Eligible for the EcoLeader Program?

Any company registered in the province of Quebec (NEQ) is eligible for financing. However, certain company profiles must comply with certain rules, such as :

  • Company cohorts must be made up of 3 to 10 companies and undergo pre-registration with an advisor
  • For start-ups, you need to demonstrate that your business project is well established and that your customer base is stable. You also need to show a clear financing plan and business plan.
  • NPOs can be accepted, but you must demonstrate that you are generating 40% autonomous revenue

How Does the Funding Process Work?

Please note that the program can receive applications for both individual projects and company cohorts. The grant generally covers up to 75% of eligible expenses. There are two components to this incentive:

  • Component 1 : Adoption of ecoresponsible practices for all external expert costs including a diagnosis or feasibility analysis up to a maximum of $40,000. These costs precede implementation or acquisition phases. For example: certification costs are not eligible, but preliminary coaching is. To qualify, the expert’s hourly rate must not exceed $200/hour, and the expert must be registered or have registered with an agency. To sum up, Component 1 focuses on improving existing processes.
  • Component 2: Preparing for the adoption of clean technologies. For this part, the maximum amount covered can be up to $60,000, with more concrete costs.

However, for cohorts, the maximum amount of funding will not exceed $200,000.

EcoLeader grant

Do You Need a Concrete Action Plan to Apply?

Yes, you do need to draw up an action plan, as this will enable you to set concrete objectives. To help you, here are a few examples:

  • Reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: 566,000 tonnes Co2 eq. /year. Equivalent to the size of 180 Centre Vidéotron.
  • Reduction of residual materials: 315,000 tonnes/year. Equivalent to the waste disposed of by approximately 450,000 people per year.
  • Reduction in electricity consumption: 46,284,00 kWh/year. Equivalent to the annual consumption of 1,764 Quebec households.
  • Reduction in consumption of fossil fuels 12,793,999 m3/year for gas. 154,000 litres/year for other types of fuel.

Are They any Key Themes you Need to Address?

Yes, when you set your objectives, you’ll need to consider the themes. There are 11 main themes:

Life cycle assessmentEnergy efficiency
Responsible sourcingWater management
Sustainable buildingGreenhouse gas management
Sustainable development approachResidual materials management
EcodesignSustainable mobility
Circular economy 

What is the Process to Receive this Grant?

It is possible to incur costs the day after you submit your application. Don’t forget, however, that this includes the risk of not receiving funding.

In general, the final response to your application takes between 6 and 8 weeks. As for payment, the December 31 deadline must be respected, so be sure to describe the timetable in your service offer.

Finally, if your application is accepted, the agency will give you 50% of the grant. Once you’ve completed your project and submitted your final report, you’ll receive the remaining 50%.

Want to Know More about the EcoLeader Program and Assess your Eligibility?

Schedule a meeting with one of our expert government grant consultants today!


Antoine Giroir

Senior Government Grants Consultant

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