Canada, a World-Renowned Hub for Artificial Intelligence

    • Jun 10, 2022
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Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs (IBM). It is often compared to human intelligence transposed to Information Technology (IT) universe.

Tortoise, a global AI index that benchmarks nations regarding 3 innovations related to 2 criteria, has put Canada in the 4th position (over 62 countries), thanks to AI solutions growing inside the country.

Global AI Index

In Canada, AI positions itself as an ideal actor for high-growth career opportunities, with more than 30 000 job offers to be created in the next few years. It is possible to find the world’s top incubators and accelerators in this field, as well as hundreds of companies specializing in AI. Since 2020, Canada has experienced growth of more than 22% in job creation in this sector.

Mila, the Quebec AI Institute since 2017, recognized in a study its exponential growth. More and more companies are deciding to respond to modern challenges by using artificial intelligence and many industry giants such as Google and Facebook have even established AI research centers in Montreal. At the beginning of May, the world’s biggest summit on AI was also held there (The World Scientific Congress on Artificial Intelligence), bringing together AI experts.

AI is becoming popular as a set of innovative solutions for issues specific to our new generation bathed in the digital air. It enhances human abilities in competence fields such as precision or speed, but also sometimes can overpass them (for example in predictions, or to automate certain tasks).

To support the growth of this sector, the Canadian government is investing heavily in AI, with 1.2 billion dollars of planned investments for companies.

If your company is interested in developing AI solutions and is a Canada-based business, there are several grant programs that can help you fund your AI projects.

Book a time with one of our experts to learn more about it!


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