Gaming Companies:
Increase cash flow for game development

With massive R&D potential, video game development companies are trying to be creative by including innovative trends in their project such as virtual reality, augmented reality, cloud gaming, and blockchain.

Ready to Level Up Your Projects?

With massive R&D potential, the gaming industry is thriving due to advancements in technology and increased accessibility, with key trends including mobile gaming, e-sports, and immersive technologies, presenting future opportunities in cloud gaming and ongoing innovation. For reaching this goal and growing further, multiple funds are available to help video game companies from SR&ED and Multimedia tax credits to Grants.

Examples of SR&ED Eligibility in Gaming

  • Prototypes for large mobile and online gaming platforms
  • Motion capture
  • Algorithm design
  • Processing power, improving system performance, memory management
  • Image processing and reconstruction

They trust us

Regular follow-ups by Leyton’s teams are always efficient & conclusive, which allows us to focus on the success of our project.

Eric Guigue Co-Founder & Artist – Sweet Bandit

Leyton has been our trusted R&D claim partner for many years and we are delighted with their work. Their expertise and responsiveness ensures that we receive quality reports that meet the high standards of our industry and our reputation with the authorities. They have our full confidence.

David Lavergne Financial Controller – Game ON

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