What happened to the PEX?

  • By Oumaïma Sioury
    • Jan 20, 2022
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Last fall, the Export Program formally closed, but what happened to it? Our government grant consultant shares in this article how this program has evolved and how you can access it.

The Quebec program called Programme de soutien à la commercialisation et à l’exportation or PSCE is now available and is accepting applications. This program replaces the program formerly known as the PEX or Programme Exportation, which is no longer available since last September.

The PSCE brings out a new approach. Unlike the PEX, this program is divided into 3 parts, each with its objectives.

The first part involves strengthening the capacity of SMEs to commercialize their products and services on the Quebec market. This is considered as the first step towards exportation for SMEs, which will therefore be encouraged for their integration into strategic supply chains in Quebec. It will also allow them to be able to increase their capacity to respond to calls for tenders coming from large public contractors in Quebec.

The second part involves strengthening SMEs’ export capacity and accelerating their projects in markets outside Quebec. This part encourages SMEs to undertake projects to commercialize products and services outside the Quebec Province, to expand in foreign markets.

And finally, the third part. This one is dedicated to large companies and consists in supporting the realization of their internationalization projects.

In order to apply and submit an application, the for-profit company must be legally established in Quebec, or Canada and have at least an establishment in Quebec. In addition, social economy companies and non-financial cooperatives are also eligible to participate in the PSCE. Companies with a turnover of less than $100 million are eligible for parts 1 and 2, and those with a turnover of $100 million or more for part 3.

Concerning allowable expenses, the activities must be carried out over a maximum continuous period of 12 months and must be incurred after the date on which the application is submitted to Investissement Québec.

The program generally finances activities related to the company’s development in a foreign market. This can result in the recruitment of a market development specialist or a commercial representative, in Quebec and outside Quebec, depending on the components to which you submit your application. It also finances activities like the development of a marketing strategy, a market study in Quebec, and the knowledge acquisition in market development (coaching), support in customers or partners prospecting, international trademarks registration, etc.

In order to be analyzed, all applications for financial assistance submitted by a company must include eligible expenses of at least $25,000 for Parts 1 and 2 and $100,000 for Part 3.

To judge whether the project is worthy of receiving support from the PCSE, the following criteria are taken into consideration: the relevance of the project to the company’s business model, the company’s capacity to carry out the project in terms of financial and human resources, the company’s situation in order to consider whether financial assistance is a determining factor in the decision to carry out the project, the project’s potential spinoffs for Quebec in terms of jobs and investments, and the government’s established export priorities, if any.

The financial assistance provided to the company is in the form of a non-refundable contribution. This assistance can reach 50% of allowable expenses, up to a maximum of $250,000 over a maximum period of 12 months, with the understanding that the total amount of government assistance cannot exceed 75% of total project expenses for part 1 and 60% for parts 2 and 3.

For more information, please contact Leyton Canada.


Oumaïma Sioury

Government Grants Consultant

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