Join our growing international group!

More than a job, a human adventure!


Every year, we strive to realise our corporate social responsibility and implement global actions to positively impact the world. Whether it be internal improvements to our work culture, through engagement with our clients, or through our partnerships, we maximise our efforts towards sustainable development. All of our commitments and operations are summarised in the United Nations Global Compact.


Sailing is an exceptional practice. A bearer of dreams and adventures, this sport is also one of innovation and technology. By setting sail for the oceans and seas of the world with our skippers Arthur Le Valliant and Sam Goodchild, we want to bring our clients, employees and partners aboard a quest for performance and excellence, as well as sobriety and responsibility. Our commitment in this project, alongside our skippers and with the enthusiasm of our teams, reflects our desire to act together for the conservation of this planet and its oceans.


Present in 16 countries, our teams are present in more than 42 agencies worldwide.

To me, working for Leyton means working with a certain mindset – a curiosity and a can-do attitude. Together with our clients and our team of experts, we find those opportunities for your processes and ways of working that others can’t see, then unlock them to create value efficiently, allowing innovation to thrive.

Liesbeth Pieck Business Developer

As a Tax Consultant at Leyton Benelux, I deal with many matters related to the financing of innovation on tax and procedural aspects.

Alexandre De Groulart Tax Consultant

Alexandre de Groulart

I started as an R&D consultant. Together with the Business Developers and the Tax Consultants, we form an effective team as we implement the ‘divide et impera’ (divide and conquer) strategy.

Niklas Dochy Senior R&D Consultant

As a Grants Consultant at Leyton, I have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with various clients. From small IT start-ups to biotech giants, I am always involved in the writing of grant proposals for innovative and technologically advanced projects.

Dounia Saadallah Grant Consultant

The Leyton story as told by our employees

As a PhD, my deep chemistry knowledge helps me to get real insight into the projects in my field of expertise, enabling me to counsel my clients even better. For other projects, my curiosity and adaptation allow me to discover new interests and fields in which I am getting better and better as the time passes.
Furthermore, I had the chance to discover and learn the business-related aspects of a project, adding another string to my bow! More generally, I love the Leyton working environment which is based on trust, excellence, team spirit and fun!

Dounia Saadallah, Senior Grants Consultant

Dounia is one of our Grants Consultant at Leyton Belgium. She holds a PhD in Chemistry from both the Univesité Libre de Bruxelles and the Université Grenoble Alpes, and has been at Leyton since March 2017. Dounia is passionate about helping companies build their grant applications for innovative projects and work in close collaboration with nice colleagues.

With my background in science, I started as an R&D consultant. Together with the Business Developers and the Tax Consultants, we form an effective team as we implement the ‘divide et impera’ (divide and conquer) strategy. Relying on each other’s expertise and teamwork allows us to help R&D companies identify and secure ways to finance their innovation. It is this approach that makes Leyton an interesting place to work at and is key to Leyton’s success.

Niklas Dochy, Consultant Team Lead

Niklas is our Brussels-based R&D consultant Team Lead. He specialised in plant biotechnology during his Master and PhD in Biology and has been working at Leyton since March 2018. He focuses on helping companies with the Partial Withholding Tax Exemption for R&D and developing his team.