EU Funding opportunities for collaborative projects: Focus on the EUREKA Network

    • May 19, 2021
    • 01h00
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With the launch of the new framework programme Horizon Europe and the upcoming publication of the call texts, one might overlook the EUREKA Network. Over the next months, a lot of EUREKA calls will open providing funding opportunities for collaborative projects focusing on Artificial intelligence, healthcare, mobility, automotive, low carbon energy technologies, et cetera. Project could be supported up to several Million € each. 

In this webinar we will present the different programmes and clusters in the EUREKA Network (Eurostars, Smart, ITEA, Eurogia, etc.) and discuss the key characteristics of a successful EUREKA project. We will provide an overview of essential steps to take if you want to submit a high-quality proposal on time. This includes finding the right project partner(s), something with which we at Leyton – with our portfolio of over 20,000 companies located in Europe and North America – can help you.


09h30 – 9h40: Introduction

09h40 – 9h50: How does the EUREKA network fit in the EU Funding landscape

09h50 – 10h05: Different clusters and upcoming calls

10h05 – 10h15: Next steps, including finding the right partner

10h15 – 10h25: How Leyton can help you, followed by Q&A 


Sanne Sulejmani
Sanne Sulejmani

EU Affairs Consultant

Sanne Sulejmani
Federico Perrone
Federico Perrone

EU Affairs Consultant

Federico Perrone
Yorick Debeus
Yorick Debeus

Head of EU Affairs

Yorick Debeus

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