Empowering Women In the Industry – Alexandra Kapelos-Peters from Cansulta

  • By Hamza Laarach
    • Mar 10, 2022
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Women's Day Article Header 2022

At Leyton, we believe in gender equality for a sustainable future. This year, to celebrate International Women’s Day, we highlight the inspiring women that are paving the way for other women in the innovation sector.

With the shared goal of empowering women everywhere, our client and partner, Alexandra Kapelos-Peter, Founder and CEO of Cansulta, discusses gender equality and her journey in the workforce.

The theme for this year is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”, how in your company do you succeed to promote gender equality?

As a company, we really benefit from the perspectives and experiences of a diverse, global team. So, we actively and consciously seek diversity and truly try to act with integrity, inclusion, and equity at heart in all our recruitment, hiring, and management practices.

We are active members in multiple online networks and communities working to increase the participation and success of women in business. Fixed hourly rates and public salary ranges reduce compensation bias. Remote work and flexible hours also create better working conditions and more equitable opportunities for women.

Personally, I’m on a mission to recruit women into our STEM roles, however it is unfortunately often a challenge to find applicants. I hope to see many more women in these fields very soon; this traditional gender gap must be narrowed.

Do you have any advice to give for women who want to pursue a career in consulting/create their own company?

Entrepreneurship can be a risky, terrifying, endeavour, and isn’t for everyone. Many women are additionally disadvantaged as they have even more responsibilities that constrain their time, education, finances, and access to business opportunities.

My advice: do it!

The world absolutely needs more women in business, particularly entrepreneurs.

Did you have any hesitations about entering this field/starting a business as a self-identifying woman?

Absolutely. Both technology and consulting are traditionally male-dominated industries, known “old boys’ clubs” driven by bias, nepotism, and favoritism. Add to that my struggle with the well-known “Imposter Syndrome” that many women in business face, and my discomfort and lack of experience in Sales: to say I was “hesitant” is an understatement.

But I chose to consciously ignore those fears and doubts and to move forward, with confidence and conviction. And, now I can’t imagine life any other way.

What moment in your career are you most proud of and why?

A few milestones over the years have been particularly special.

Signing my first contract with a consulting client was one. A company actually wanted to pay ME for analysis, recommendations, and training to help them improve… wow, I couldn’t believe it!

I incorporated Stratenym with my two co-founders on Valentine’s Day in 2019, and that’s when I first felt like a “real” business owner. Watching the team grow from just us 3 to 65+ in only a few short years makes me very proud. And, earning our first million dollars was also thrilling!

Hiring my first employees to create Cansulta was also a very proud moment: adding talented people to join me in the journey to build our business was so exciting. In January 2022, we celebrated adding our 50th consultant to the platform: scaling quickly within less than 1 year has been particularly rewarding. I’m very proud and privileged to know and work alongside so many truly tremendous people who are and do “good” in all aspects, in their professional quality and excellence, and in their social and ethical work. I am proud to be in their company and to have them in our community.

What did you dream of being as a young girl?

I always hated the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?” My interests were always broad and varied from day-to-day; I could never choose one single dream to pursue.

From the arts (painting, photography, graphic design, and video), to sports, to chess, to science and Computer programs, even some guitar and trombone: I wanted to try and do everything. This broad set of interests made my childhood and youth very busy. I’m particularly grateful to my mother for her support of my ever-changing (and costly!) interests and for enabling me to pursue all these passions.

Even now in my adulthood, I have multiple, big dreams and ambitions. The great diversity that I enjoy in my work is unparalleled, and I want to encourage and inspire girls and women everywhere to pursue non-traditional routes and to carve their own paths.

Want to know more about Alexandra and Cansulta?

Leyton has partnered with Cansulta to help you maximize your business’ cash flow at a fraction of the cost. With expert advice from our SR&ED Consulting Managers, you can now strategically amplify your business’ finances through Innovation Funding and SR&ED Tax Credits without spending a fortune!

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