The Leyton Moonshot Awards

Annual awards rewarding high-potential, exploratory and groundbreaking companies selected among our clients in several categories around the world.

The Leyton Moonshot Awards 2021: And the winners are..

See the full list of winners

Here are the winning companies of this first edition of the Leyton Moonshot Awards:

Sector: Biotech

VEnvirotech is a biotechnology start up that produces bioplastics, biodegradable in the environment and compatible with human body. They do this by following three basic principles: – Using bacteria to produce bioplastics – Transforming the bioplastics produced by the bacteria into sustainable packaging. – Feeding the bacteria with organic waste

Sector: Logistics

LivingPackets is a European startup that aims to replace cardboard packaging with an alternative that is smarter, more secure and the building block of a new circular economy that is also good for the environment. It offers services like tracking, monitoring temperature and shock, buying shipping labels, insurance for packages and more for THE BOX to replace traditional waste packaging


Sector: Telecom

Cailabs is a French deeptech company founded in 2013 that designs, manufactures, and sells innovative photonic products for telecommunications and industrial lasers. Cailabs is a world leader in complex light shaping, and its technology is currently the subject of 19 patents. Its innovative components are used in a variety of fields, from aeronautical cabling to factory local area networks and additive manufacturing

Sector: Aerospace

D-Orbit is a New Space company with solutions covering the entire lifecycle of a space mission, including mission analysis and design, engineering, manufacturing, integration, testing, launch, and end-of-life decommissioning. D-Orbit’s competitive advantage is the versatility of its launch and deployment services that can be tailored to the customer’s needs

Sector: Fintech

Keyrock is a 50 members team driven by a common passion for the transition to a digital financial system. The three founders started Keyrock in 2017 with a disruptive vision of democratizing liquidity for digital assets through a strict dedication to transparency, operational integrity and regulatory compliance, vital parts of healthy financial markets.

Why did Leyton launch this award?

We created the Leyton Moonshot Awards to embody our vision of building an innovative and sustainable future by rewarding high-potential, exploratory and groundbreaking, high-revenue-growth companies among our clients operating in diverse sectors.

What is the selection process for the Leyton Moonshot Awards?

    Call for nomination by Leyton employees

    We asked our Leyton collaborators around the world to find the next superstar companies among our customers!

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