Innovation : Harder, Faster, Stronger, Greener?

To innovate is to “realise” that the service, the product or the way something is brought to the customer must evolve to meet new needs, particularly those of sustainable development.

Thursday 27th May – 6:00PM-7:00PM

The leaders who are best preparing for recovery have fully understood this and wish to lead their teams in focusing on this essential issue: innovating while respecting the environment.

As we are slowly emerging from the current crisis, the main objective of innovative companies is to relearn how to produce, create and change the world as we know it.

What ambitions, strategies and funding will be used to respond to these emergencies?

  • Development of a circular economy
  • Reduction of energy consumption
  • Reduction of carbon impact
  • Improved wellbeing and health
  • Facilitate the relocation of productions and services


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    Meet our Guest Speakers

    Caroline Villecroze

    Chief marketing and sustainability officer, Leyton
    Thuy-Diep Nguyen, Rédactrice en chef adjointe Challenges

    Thuy-Diep Nguyen

    Co-editor in chief, Challenges

    Hélène Macela-Gouin

    Vice-President France, Strategy & Business Development, Schneider Electric

    Erik Grab

    Vice President Strategic Anticipation, Innovation & Sustainable Development, Michelin

    Sébastien Imbert

    CMO, Microsoft France

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