R&D Tax Credits:
Specialist research and development tax consultancy in Ireland

Are you looking to claim valuable R&D Tax Relief?

With over 25 years of experience and unrivalled tax and technical expertise, Leyton Ireland is ideally positioned to unlock the value of your innovative projects. Our team of specialist consultants will work closely with you to identify qualifying R&D expenditures, maximising your tax relief claim.

About R&D Tax Credits

R&D Tax Credits are a valuable incentive offered by the Irish Government. The scheme aims to encourage research and development investment in Ireland to help stimulate the economy. Eligible companies can claim back a portion of their qualifying R&D expenditure.
The R&D Tax Credit rate is 25% of eligible expenses, effectively reducing a company’s liability for Corporation Tax (CT). For accounting periods starting on or after 1 January 2024, the rate has risen to 30%, paid in three annual instalments as an R&D Corporation Tax Credit.
The potential financial benefits of claiming are huge. However, many companies miss out because they underclaim or don’t realise that their innovative projects are eligible for R&D Tax Credits.

Does my business qualify?

If your company works on projects that involve developing new or enhancing existing products, processes or services, there’s a strong chance your work might be eligible for R&D Tax Credits.
A good starting point for establishing your eligibility is to consider whether your team faced any uncertainties when the R&D project began. In other words, did your team start the project without knowing for sure if they could achieve the desired result?

If yes, and you can show that your project went beyond simply using existing technologies or scientific knowledge and involved real innovation, you’re can likely claim R&D credits.

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Our process


    Consultancy team introduction and key claim stakeholder identification. Basic R&D eligibility assessment and delivery timeline agreed.

    Financial Discovery

    Introduction to expenditure categories, R&D project expenditure data provision, financial document provision.

    Technical Scoping

    Review and discussion of all eligible projects, selection of key project(s) for claim substantiation (case study).

    Financial Discovery

    Introduction to expenditure categories, R&D project expenditure data provision, financial document provision.

    Claim Package

    Compilation of technical and financial documentation, internal quality audit and resolution of queries.


    Final documentation sign-off, tax benefit option agreement, detailed submission guidance and additional submission support.

Qualifying activity in your industry

  • Manufacturing

    Does your business look for innovative solutions to manufacturing challenges?

  • Engineering

    The engineering sector is constantly working to solve complex problems and improve existing systems.

  • Health & Pharmaceuticals

    Are you maximising your claims potential of your innovation?

  • Agriculture

    Agricultural businesses are not claiming to their full potential? Don’t let your business be one of them!

  • Construction

    Are you finding innovative solutions to construction challenges?

  • Software & IT

    A large number of software businesses are eligible for R&D Tax Credits. Is your business one of them?

Other Leyton services
which may interest you

Our highly experienced in-house teams constantly monitor market development and government funding opportunities to provide the most up-to date cost saving solutions. We offer support around a number of other government schemes including:

Why Leyton?

For over 25 years, we’ve helped companies access government-backed innovation incentives. R&D Tax Credits guidelines are complex, and preparing submissions can be both daunting and time-consuming, but we’re here to simplify things. We don’t use jargon. We’ll explain the guidelines for claiming in a straightforward and easy-to-understand way. We also have a team of tax and sector-specific experts, many of whom have technical field experience. With this expertise, we’ve developed a proven track record for uncovering eligible costs often missed by in-house teams, accountants, or generalist tax consultancy firms. Every client we work with benefits from a tailored strategy that considers factors such as their industry and the type of technical R&D work undertaken. Our deep understanding of Revenue’s criteria ensures that our submissions are robust and compliant. By partnering with Leyton Ireland, you’ll have peace of mind that you’re claiming everything you’re eligible for, without taking any risks.

Contact our Experts

Our friendly team of experts can assess your R&D credits eligibility and answer any questions that you have about the claims process.


    What are the benefits of claiming R&D Tax Credits? add remove

    • There are huge benefits to claiming R&D Tax Credits.

      Offsetting the costs of your research and development makes the work itself more affordable and future investment in innovation more likely. This allows you to improve your existing products and services, or create new ones, helping you to develop a competitive edge.

      The benefit you receive can help your business grow by accelerating current projects or allowing you to start new ones. Businesses that have received R&D credits often invest in hiring more people, expanding their facilities, upgrading their equipment, or upskilling their workforce through training.

      As the R&D Corporation Tax Credit offers three staged payments through the year, it also helps businesses main a regular cash flow.

    Who can claim R&D Tax Credits? add remove

    • To claim R&D Tax Credits, a company must be subject to Corporation Tax in Ireland and conduct qualifying research and development activities in Ireland, the EEA, or the UK. You can’t, however, claim if your expenditure on R&D qualifies for a tax deduction in another country. These activities should involve scientific or technological advancements and aim to resolve an uncertainty. Your work must include systemic, investigative or experimental activities in either basic research, applied research or experimental development.

    How do you calculate R&D Tax Credits? add remove

    • The R&D Tax Credit is calculated as 25% (or 30% from January 2024 onwards) of your qualifying research and development expenditure. Examples of qualifying R&D expenditure might include staff costs, materials, certain utilities, subcontracting costs and some software costs. If a cost is split between R&D and non-R&D activities, an appropriate apportionment can be made.

    How can we prepare for making an R&D claim? add remove

    • The best way to prepare for making any R&D claim is to keep detailed records of all research and development projects. Your records should include information such as a description of the work performed (including the uncertainties you faced and how you systematically overcame them), the personnel involved, what materials were consumed, financial records of any project-related expenses, etc.