Case Study

EDC (Engineering Design Consultants)

    • Apr 29, 2024
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About the client

Engineering Design Consultants (EDC) is a leading engineering consultancy specialising in sustainable mechanical and electrical design solutions, from the initial technical design to system integration. They serve a diverse client base in the pharmaceutical, industrial, commercial, and residential sectors.

The Benefit

A significant portion of EDC’s R&D is centred on Building Management Systems (BMS), developing innovative solutions for their clients’ electrical and mechanical engineering requirements.

Leyton has helped EDC secure around £450k in R&D relief in the UK, with additional support for their Irish operations resulting in approximately €100k in tax credits.
This has allowed EDC to invest back into the business, in particular for their training programmes, upskilling engineers as part of their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and helping them stay at the forefront of their industry.

Meet our client

What attracts you to working with Leyton UK? add remove

  • “We’ve developed a strong working relationship with Leyton. We know each other. Time is important from our perspective, and our engineers aren’t specialists at putting R&D claims together. Leyton’s expertise saves us time and helps our team focus on their core work instead of preparing R&D claims.”

Is there a highlight from working with Leyton UK? add remove

  • “After every claim, we feel we’re a little bit wiser about the claims process, thanks to Leyton’s guidance. Over our time working together, Leyton has helped us better understand how to identify R&D projects and what is needed to prepare successful R&D Tax Credit claims.
    The workshop sessions work particularly well. Leyton’s technical knowledge allows them to extrapolate the necessary claims information from our engineering team in an in-depth and efficient way.”

What did you think of the Leyton UK team who supported you? add remove

  • “We have a great relationship with the team. In fact, it’s one of the main benefits of working with Leyton UK. They make the process painless, and we appreciate Leyton’s assistance in getting the most out of claims.”

What would you describe as the main benefit of working with Leyton UK? add remove

  • “We do very little of the work ourselves. Leyton handles most of the claim preparation process, which saves us a lot of time and hassle.”

What would you say to convince others about the benefits of R&D Tax Credits? add remove

  • “Companies should educate themselves on how R&D is defined in their specific industry, as it could be broader than you might initially think. For many, R&D is ‘someone in a lab coat’, but speaking to Leyton can help you understand what R&D encompasses in your field.

    In Ireland particularly, the R&D benefits scheme is not widely publicised within the engineering sector, and many companies are therefore unaware of their eligibility.”

Would you recommend Leyton UK? add remove

  • “We’d recommend Leyton based on the ease of the process and the worthwhile return on investment – we’ve had a very positive experience.”

Strenghten your claim

Our in-house team of highly experienced scientists, engineers, tax consultants and attorneys would love to answer all your questions and help you make the most out of your R&D efforts.

  1. Global experience
  2. Maximize your claim
  3. Audit Support
  4. Team of Experts

Contact our R&D Tax Experts