What does R&D mean in a business context?
We define what R&D means in a business context & explain the process of claiming R&D Corporation Tax Credits for eligible businesses.
We define what R&D means in a business context & explain the process of claiming R&D Corporation Tax Credits for eligible businesses.
In this article we dive into Revenue’s latest Research and Development Tax Credit Statistics to see what they reveal about the health of Irish R&D.
We highlight which software development activities qualify for R&D Tax Credits and answer FAQs to help businesses prepare for a successful claim.
Not sure what qualifies as R&D expenditure for R&D Tax Credit claims? We explain what expenses qualify for claiming valuable research and development tax credits.
R&D Tax Credits have helped foster innovation in Ireland for over two decades. However, significant changes to the scheme have been introduced for 2024, driven by global tax reforms and a renewed focus on maximising the credit’s impact. In this article, we explain what’s changed and give insight into what the changes mean for businesses. […]
The battery technologies market has the potential to enter an exciting period of growth. According to a recent report from McKinsey and the Global Battery Alliance, the annual demand for lithium-ion (or Li-ion) batteries is predicted to grow by around 27% to reach around 4,700 GWh by 2030. Unsurprisingly, batteries for the transport sector (e.g., […]